If you are currently developing your own WordPress Theme and you want to make it fully customizable, the WP Customizer API is a great option to get started. In this tutorial, I will show you how to create a Customizer Class and use the WP Customizer API to add and retrieve data without doing any complicated database queries. I will cover how to add the Select option, Textarea and Image.

Article: https://www.raddy.dev/blog/wordpress-customizer-api-editable-sections-theme-development/

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  1. Why did you use that extra function 'restister_customize_sections' inside __construct. Is it possible to use 'author_callout_section' instead of 'restister_customize_sections' in __construct ?

    If no, why ?

  2. sir thank u thank u
    but i want to create font-family option using customizer setting control plz guide me create these typography ,
    Best regards

  3. Hey Raddy, I've got a page which is styled by a plugin. The style values (colours, typography etc) are stored in the plugin's wp_options settings. I want to create a customizer section for the plugin so I need to update those wp_options values when the controls for that section are changed. I.e. changing the font colour in the customizer needs to update the plugin's wp_options value for font colour. Also, the live preview pane needs to refresh as normal and show the updated styling. Do you know how I could do that? Maybe using some kind of control action hook?

  4. Nice turorial! Definitely create more like this. One request: please bump-up the font-size in VS. It helps when viewing your tutorials on mobile.

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