Before you leap into the world of coding, I want to share with you some things nobody told me about tech.

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  1. I really appreciate the video. I did chuckle a little when he said "these high up managers are working a lot….. sometimes 50 to 60 hours a week." That's a slow week dawg…..

  2. Hello Chris, I want to become a Web Developer and have no experience. I want to be like you and get a lot of money. I can't work at a regular job since I lost my leg in a bus accident, so I ended up with a computer and like being an alarm dispatcher.

  3. Hi, I'm just starting. I'm a first-year student In "cybersecurity", and Idk what to do. Lastly, I have been interested in AI, Ml, building apps. And that's my problem, I found a very good course with brilliant people as teacher, so I decided to sign up. And rn I'm confused. The course plan is to learn js etc. for 1 year, but I'm not sure, that it is what I want to do. The question is, is that true that after knowing 1 language, next is easier than before? Is any connection between js and cybersecurity etc? If frontend will not be my "love", can I switch branches? Is that wasting a time? what would you guys do? I would be grateful to hear what you can say about my situation Offtop I was thinking too about trying to help people, to prevent disease, during my work, I was thinking about going into AI? Is Js and webdev is good idea to start, during my studies of cybersec? ЁЯЩВ Thanks

  4. You know what money equals, man? Money equals freedom. Money equals opportunity. Money equals better security. Money equals comfort. Money equals better medical care. Money equals a nicer neighborhood. Money equals early retirement. Money equals the ability to support a family. Money equals better schooling for your kids. Money equals better quality of life. Money most certainly does equal happiness. Does it solve every problem? No. But it solves enough problems that you don't have to worry about dying penniless in a ditch somewhere of a disease that could have been treated with better insurance.

    I am sick to death of hearing this from people making $200K+ salaries. It's utter nonsense.

  5. Currently going through the Colt Steele Udemy course and will hopefully be an employed front end developer by September of 2022. IтАЩm not doing this for the money. I know itтАЩs a very well paid job but IтАЩm doing this for the flexibility, the fulfillment, the future job prospect, and the possibility of one day being able to wake up, turn on my computer and work in my pajamas from the comfort of my own home and be able to live wherever I want.

  6. Last yr i learned basics of Java and python but time comes i get bored then i decide to go to web development then i heard about js then i realized that i need to learn first JS cause now i realize i like to become front end web dev hope soon can find job ЁЯЩВтШ║ cause I Don't want to teach as a teacher i found my self as a programmer or web developer soon shss…

  7. Chris, great video. Take it from a lifer. The challenges you mention don't ever go away, ever. Also, whether it's 100K or 1Mil, the key is don't bury yourself in obligatory debt. Don't like your gig? Switch. Don't like your tech stack, switch. What makes that easy, is not spending that 200K before you get it. Have to take a hit? No sweat. DO NOT RAISE YOUR LIFESTYLE IN DIRECT PROPORTION TO THE AMOUNT OF MONEY YOU MAKE. YOUR FREEDOM LIES IN BEING FREE. PAY CASH, LIVE FRUGAL. Hell even being frugal with a 6+ figure salary, you can still fix those Porsche tires. The last thing I'll leave on this subject is life is cyclical, burnout comes, burnout goes. Your freedom to make choices is what will keep you sane. Peace.

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