Webflow’s text link element lets you quickly and easily add text-only links to your site, such as those in your site’s main nav or footer. This video will show you how to:

1. Add a text link, whether as a block or inline element
2. Manage link settings
3. Styling text links, either as one-offs with unique classes, or en masse by styling all links

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  1. Once you've created these link spans – how do you delete them? I try to select in navigator or in a paragraph and hit delete, yet it deletes the whole paragraph. Doesn't seem to be anyway to un-link-if-y. HALP?

  2. I'm having trouble linking a section of text within a paragraph as you have shown at around 1:00.
    When I select text in the paragraph and make it a link, it hard returns the text link to its own line instead of keeping it in the paragraph.

    send help.

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