Use An Elementor Blog Post Template To Design Your WordPress Blog Posts
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The ability to use an Elementor blog post template to design dynamic blog post styles without using any code is powerful.

In this tutorial I’m going to show you how to find the blog post templates in the template library and how to convert one into a dynamic template.

Things we’ll be making dynamic include to title, the author’s image, the author’s name, the content of the post and the author bio box.
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I hope this information helps you! If you have any questions leave a comment below or ping me @WPLearningLab on Twitter.

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  1. my issue is where do you put the post content, the real text in the post ? your template are lorem ipsum, so if i have to create the post in gutenberg, why do I need elementor for ? can you show this ?

  2. Great info – very helpful. But PLEASE – you are a seasoned expert and this is all second nature to you. Remember that viewers who are leaning need you to SLOOOOW down! You race across stuff I'm trying to digest and you flitted off to the next thing BTW – this is a common YouTube prob: Tutorials given by seasoned experts at the subject – but it is all too simple for them and they rush through the "obvious" stuff.
    But a BIG thanks for all you've shown – a HUGE help!

  3. Hi there, I've been creating a blog with posts following your directions, however, today, something went wrong. I created a new post (through my dashboard), copy/paste a part of a previous post, changed the text and published. Now all my blogpost have the same text and the originals are gone. Don't really know what I did wrong.
    Is there a tutorial from you where you show 'new post' and how to insert it ?

  4. HI Bjorn, Thank you for this lovely instruction video. Its so valuable even after 1.5 year…I am using the same concept for my blog but I am stuck at one particular thing for very long. Hope you can assist. Many a times I need to add star review or table or Call to Action type of stuff in the CONTENT area. Since that is basically "post Content" field in the single post template The only option is to use what's available in Gutenberg or plugins. How do I use elementor table/ star reviews type of items inside the content ?

    Kindly help.

  5. Bjorn you're an absolute legend! I got stuck with this for almost a day trying to get all the dynamic content to load onto the page and kept having various anomalies! Your succinct tutorial got me out of a mind-boggling jam. Thanks for the massive help! 🙂

  6. I think you would get more view time if you didn't roll your words into each other so much. The content isn't hard to understand, but I did find I had to work harder than I should to decipher your words. Hope that's good feedback and if you are mindful of that you see less drop off in future videos.

  7. Thanks Bjorn!
    I now realise the differences between a template made through the Theme Builder and a page 'saved as a template'!
    I've been at it for the past 2 days and it drove me crazy as I wasn't getting why for example, dummy text I left at theme builder template was shown as 'hard-coded' in the actual post.
    For my current projects I think I'm better off with a page saved as a template so I can just change certain elements dynamically and have the rest of the layout intact.
    Or maybe I'll use a combination of both, leave the permanent features I want by designing them in Theme Template, then finishing the page with the rest and saving it as a page template.
    …lol…so confusing I know, but I think there's a method in my madness? Please correct me if I'm wrong 🙂

  8. Hi friend… I already have a website made with Elementor Pro in WordPress with the Hello Theme but the client wants to put a Blog in it. Would this way that you explain in this post help me or affect and change my website already made?

    My idea was to use an Elementor Pro template to give it a good look but when importing it it does not call the examples (Demo type) so that it does not come out with the simplicity of design that WordPress brings.

    – I would like to know if there is a way to import the examples and / or to serve as a reference so that in the end it looks as suggested in the imported template.

    – Or what other way do you know to have a good design and not as simple as WordPress by default.

    I appreciate your valuable comments. A greeting.

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