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A huge shoutout to Linda Groeneveld for her success as a web designer!
Find her on Instagram at:
#freelancewebdesigner #webdesign #webflow



  1. I really want to join your cource… But, the problem is I do not earn enough to pay the fee.

    I rarely get clients, my gigs are all under $250. Even though I am good with react and next js, i have complete full stack knowledge with python, js, ts, SQL, postgress, WordPress.

    But i am bad at advertising myself and my skills 😢 Please help me with that

  2. lol ..20k for a website..maybe once or twice in your entire career you might achieve this ..since WordPress, shopifyy an templates the good days are over. 500-800 an that’s inconsistent

  3. Hi Ran, thank you for having me at your podcast. Can’t wait to see it published. I was so so nervous but was a a great experience 🤗

  4. The problem with the claim in this video is that mastering a new tool is not what justifies a significantly higher price. I've sold websites between $500 and $75,000 over the past decade. The price difference is tied to the business problems the design solves. The tools are just tools. So while selling a $20k website is 100% viable, it's not going to be because you master webflow or any other tool.

  5. it’s so bizarre to read the comments on this video. if people actually think $30K for a website is outrageous, they need to get a real job working in a real business making actual money. companies pay $30K to install new window blinds in the office—it is not a lot of money.

  6. Well at the end in the example you showed, the space between each title and the section (Which I guess are the projects he did) is the same, so it doesn't define which section each title belongs to. God, then everyone can charge 20 grand for bad principles 🤠.

  7. Sure…your father’s spending 20k on a stupid website right??? Just step into the f***ing real world dude…nobody is willing to spend even $20 for a f***ing website!!! WAKE UP AND DON’’T MISGUIDE JUNIOR DESIGNERS!!!

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