Design amazing websites without having to touch any code, with Elementor Page Builder for WordPress.
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Elementor is by far the best page builder for WordPress. Elementor offers endless possibilities of designs, including a live frontend editor, professionally designed templates, mobile editing tools and much more.

We set out with a mission to create the ultimate solution for creating WordPress sites in a faster, simpler and easier way than ever before possible. Join the growing community of users who love Elementor and use it exclusively as their main WordPress page builder plugin.



  1. Hi I like the video and I have just started to use Elementor, well if I can get passed a problem I am having. I am unable to drag and drop widgets.

    When I try to drag over the Text Widget it has red circle with a diagonal red line which I am sure mean it's not allowed. How do I get past this and why is showing and stopping me add the widgets  ? I have tried it on all the widgets and the same result. Regards Douglas

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