Pretty much all pages need a responsive navigation. Angular Material has all the Angular components you need to build a nice looking and fully responsive navigation for your Angular app. Angular Material is a rich suite of pre-built Angular components that follow the Google Material design spec. This tutorial explores the Angular Material data table and how to use it!


Build a complete Angular App with Angular Material, Angularfire, NgRx & More:

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  1. Max is the best instructor. I have taken several of his Udemy courses and they have all been excellent and very high quality. Thanks for explaining this Material nav schematic. Exactly what I was looking for.

  2. with the new angular version, after you type in ng generate @angular/material:material-nav you will get prompt for the component name. The –name is obsolent and doesn't work anymore.

  3. Is there a way to make the menu/sidenav button always appear, even on higher resolutions? Because when i set the breakpoint to 2000px the sidenav still works on a 1920×1080 webpage but it is permanently opened and I don't want that. I want the menu hidden on full hd, with the button still appearing and working.

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