✨✨ Good news!! , the official (non-preview) release is available now:
Find it here: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ProBITools.MicrosoftRdlcReportDesignerforVisualStudio2022
You can install it normally without these steps

Download Microsoft Report Builder from here:



  1. Thank you for the clear instructions. I can now see the report designer but in the left hand panel, Data Sources, when I click a data source, I cannot see any properties or details of what the data connection is or what SQL db it is actually connected to. Am I missing another VS Extension? Thanks!

  2. You are very smart in this area! Maybe you can tell me how to get the reports to work on the end-users machine. They work fine in VS2022 and my program is in Framework 3.5 but when i install on the end-users computer it will not open the reports. Everything works great until it's installed on end-users computer.

  3. I am relatively new and VS but I find it frustrating that MS didn't include a working report system in 2022. What's the one thing that virtually every application need to provide? Reports. It's not rocket science. Thanks for your time. I'll see what happens.

  4. تمام يا هندسه، نيجي بقى لطريقة التنفيذ والاستدعاء، حل عملي من فضلك يشرح طريقة التنفيذ واستدعاء التقرير، وهل هيكون فيه مشاكل لما اسحب مشروعي واشغله على جهاز تاني، هيحصل مشكلة مع التقرير ولا هتتعرض عادي

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