This is our first in our “WordPress Theme Tutorial Series” about the “X-Theme” by ThemeCo.

If you’re building a new website using WordPress, one of the first steps will be to choose or install the theme you want to use. I HIGHLY recommend X for just about any project because it is both powerful and flexible and the Cornerstone page editor makes building a site fast and easy.

If you haven’t gotten a copy of X for yourself yet, you can check it out at here:

If you already own a copy of the theme, I highly recommend that you check out all of the resources available in the Members section at

You should also join the user-run community on Facebook because there’s a few thousand great users there who love to help each other with challenges they may have.

~ Mark



  1. Great video!!!! Thanks!!! I do have one question? What WordPress hosting plan do you need to be on at least to be able to install X Theme or any other them on WordPress? I see that the 4 dollar one doesn't allow outside themes.

  2. **Annotated instructions from video**

    WP Dashboard/Appearance>>Themes>> Add New>> Upload Theme

    Browse and find and
    Click Chose File
    Install now
    – Go back to Main (do not activate yet)
    – Return to Themes page

    Install child theme (exists so you can make update to html and php without fear of updating parent theme, overriding changes)
    Click Add new
    Upload theme
    Activate x.child theme

  3. In the video you uploaded the file and you said not to activate it right now but to go back and upload the and you activated it right after you uploaded it are we also supposed to go and activate the or do we leave it alone because I feel like I'm supposed to activate all of them. Thank you so much for all the advice and hard work you're putting into teaching this stuff so the regular Joe's like me can do really amazing stuff like this.

  4. Great tutorial Mark. Looking forward to the next video in the WordPress series. I am in the process of setting up a site with modules with video content, any advice you could share with people that are creating a site built for video content?

  5. Mark -THANK YOU so much for this tutorial! I am a tech idiot and a newbie to web design and WP. I had the same issue with not immediately having Xchild available to me. Your answer below works! Though the wordage caused me to have to look carefully for it. Onward!

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