In this video we will start to convert our HTML template to a WordPress theme including the header and footer files and the HTML head code

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  1. I'm studing wordpress from 2 months.. your tutorial is very cool, I'm studing also from the official documentation of wordpress.
    So from the best practice of wordpress you should (if you use these) create also a template-parts folder, on your repo there isn't that, maybe becouse I see this on 2019? So I sujest you to "improve" this playlist with other video about wordpress 5.3 and Gutenberg… I think that all the things that you say here (2016) are good and valid today.
    I'm italian , your english is perfect (mine is sh****), this tutorial follow the official documentation so it's very cool (a lot of italian's video about wordpress teach you wrong things or these are not for developer.. they say alway "to do that.. install this plugin.. to do that.. thi plugin ecc ecc)
    So after 2 months on wordpress I would like to study better:
    -How could I render my code editable by my client from the back-office?
    So I see that there are a lot of way to do that… the documentation about that doesn't says: "the best practice to do that is…" so sometime I would like to know what is the best way.. becouse I can't create 3000 custom post type for each block of code! for me it is terrible and I will have a long list of item on backoffice… so I tried with custom widget, custom code snippet ecc ecc

  2. One question on 10:13 you include a pipe in the page title, but WordPress generates some sort of carat arrow. I can't seem to be able to remove the WP generated title divider. Any suggestions? I don't want my titles to read " Company Name | >> Page Name "

  3. hi bro, i want to ask u, why my template cant add style.css ? i already used link href="bloginfo….. and style.css is in the root folder but still didnt work. please help

  4. around 6:30 I typed this code:
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_url');?>">

    but all I get in the browser is this:
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function bloginfo()

    How to fix? 🙁

  5. Man, you are a beast at WordPress teaching! you are easy to follow and learn from. question though, in the beginning, you cut a lot of code out any reason why? asking because if I wanted to sell my them on WordPress wouldn't I need that code you cut out??

  6. Love your work Brother! I have purchased several of your courses on Udemy as I truly like supporting what you do. You give a lot to us and the least we can do is support you where possible. THANK YOU for providing us such incredible content for free.

  7. Ok I just started this and I must say, you should be selling this on Udemy or Mammoth Interactive, anything like that for at least 99 USD. Great stuff, and the way you explain well I never found anything more easier then when listening to this tutorials

  8. Hello, I have a bit of a problem here, the WordPress Theme Managing page says: Template is missing. Standalone themes need to have a index.php template file. Child themes need to have a Template header in the style.css stylesheet.
    I have followed all your steps and I can't figure out what solution there is, please +Traversy Media Any help here?

  9. Hi Brad / Everyone. I have a question for anyone that would be so kind to answer. My question is: "Is this all there really is to theme development?". Sure, I understand that there are things like custom post types that you have to get used to, but is theme development really just: create a theme, install wp, refactor your created theme into wordpress compliant code, and use the wordpress dashboard to configure your dynamic content?

  10. Brad, Thank you very much! You have explained something that has been bothering me for hour. God bless you and your family, thanks again from England (United Kingdom). Are you a Full Stack Developer?

  11. Good Tutorial, thanks for this. Can you please tell me how to cimbine 2 if statements. i need it for comments.php. i want to combine the if comments_open and the if is_single . so that the comments area disappear if they re closed on admin. it would be nice to know how to combine 2 if statements in Wp.

    thanks and regards from germany

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