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  1. Great Tutorial! I had a problem compiling the theme "[webpack-cli] TypeError: Cannot set property 'bundlingJavaScript' of undefined
    at Block.register[webpack-cli]" However, when I set the version of laravel mix from "laravel-mix": "^6.0.19" to "laravel-mix": "6.0.42" in package.json and turns out everything runs smoothly. Thank you Alec! You rock!

  2. Hello, you seem to be a WordPress wizard. Unfortunately, your channel lack one important tutorial. This is very strange.
    How to make WordPress Ajax Filtering by custom taxonomy (CPT category).
    That is, generate buttons – links to categories. On click, buttons filter custom post type categories. Also, a button "Show all categories" available.
    Filtering exactly on button click, not on additional button "apply filter".
    In other words, a regular portfolio filter based on CPT categories, with "Show all" button.
    that would be realllllllllly greaaaaaaat.
    Hope you make it.
    Thanx a lot.

  3. HI Alesandro,
    At some point you talk about mix (29min), it seems to work for you. For me not so much, it sees that the github repo isn't complete? In assets js folder is missing but more importantly mix-manifest-json is missing. Can you point me in the right direction on how to create one?

  4. Thanks for showing again for Wp. I have suggestion for you to make some videos about wp performance optimization. Especially implementing "responsive images" in the custom theme templates, like what is by default in wp posts with "srcset". I think for that, there is no clear resources.

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