In this tutorial, you’ll learn the basics of WordPress SEO and how to use its built-in features in combination with the Yoast SEO plugin.

WordPress is a content management system (CMS) which was commonly used as a blogging platform. But it has developed into much more than that.

It is now used by millions to create all sorts of websites from ecommerce websites to business websites and more.

WordPress SEO is no different than just regular search engine optimization. WordPress is a tool that makes traditional SEO techniques and strategies easier to implement and technically sound.

In this tutorial you’ll learn:

1. How to choose a WordPress theme without compromising technical SEO.
2. Whether you should choose HTTP or HTTPS as well as www vs. non-www versions.
3. The “optimal” permalink structure and how to set it up.
4. Basic plugin configuration for Yoast SEO.
5. The difference between posts and pages.
6. What the title and custom URL features mean from an SEO perspective.
7. On-page optimization best practices with the WYSIWYG editor
8. On-post/page Yoast SEO settings.
9. Using pages to manipulate your URL structure.

This is the first video in a two-part series. The next video will cover advanced SEO techniques using WordPress.

Additional Resources:
Best On-Page SEO Techniques ►
On-Page SEO Study ►


1:15 How to select a WordPress theme and domain versions
2:55 Set up the “optimal” permalinks structure
4:43 How to create a post and formate it with the WYSIWYG editor
7:36 Set up the on-post/page Yoast SEO settings.
8:44 Use pages to manipulate your URL structure.

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  1. lol these sites are impossibly bloated and slow if you implement anything other than blog entries. Look at the call tree activity and total blocking time for any wordpress site above and beyond a blog and its at least 3 seconds. I've seen wp sites take as much as 12 seconds (to load the homepage!). For ecommerce, anything 2 seconds or more for loading a home page is unacceptable. I know it's simple to use, but potential customers will be pressing the back button and looking for a better result if yo're page takes that long to load

  2. Hello!
    First of all thanks for you video.
    I have your video on my website and i am checking with search console if everything is ok.
    Now i get a critical warning thumbnailUrl video problem

    Can you help me how to fix this or is it somehting that i can not fix because i dont own the video?

    Thanks in advance, i am testing my page rank with this video, so if it works well, i will use more videos 🙂

  3. I don't want to be a downer – but by following your instructions and changing permalink settings and website went down straight away with Internal Server Error. Not looking forward to trying to fix it and getting website up and running!

  4. Im torn between which platform to use. Do you have a video on that? I’m thinking wix because I’m a beginner and I don’t know how to code or keep up with a website but WordPress sounds more professional. WordPress doesn’t have customer support, is it beginner frequently?

  5. I have a quick question
    When I see all my pages listed in the WordPress dashboard and I delete any page (add to trash), then what happens to the page and where does it go? does it become a broken link?

  6. I don't get how a 2,000 word article can rank for thousands of keywords without including them all and destroying the article unless Google ranks a page automatically for synonyms as well?

  7. Recently hired, as desktop support technician, things are slow, recently marketing person resigned who was in charge of WP site and Google ads, have no idea where to start 😳, they want to rank high on Google, I feel in a stalemate

  8. HI, thank you so much for sharing this video! 👍 Just a quick question, if I'm writing a Chinese blog post, should I use Chinese words in the permalink/slug or translate into English?

  9. Your videos are truly the best on YouTube, not only do you make SEO easier to understand but you show concrete examples of the tool. More videos about SEO content writing please 🙂

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