Home Web Design News WordPress 6.3 explained in 240 seconds 🔥

WordPress 6.3 explained in 240 seconds 🔥


WordPress explained 6.3 in 240 seconds.

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In this video, I explore the exciting features of WordPress 6.3, set to release on August 7, 2023. Get ready for a quick rundown of what’s coming in just over 240 seconds. Here’s what i cover:

Block Patterns: Create and reuse your own block patterns across your website, providing greater design flexibility.

The “Details” Block: Discover the new simple accordion block, allowing you to hide and reveal content effortlessly, making your website more interactive.

Improved Margin and Padding Settings: Experience enhanced visual feedback and customization options with a new slider interface, achieving precise spacing for your elements.

Footnotes Block: For scholars and researchers, the brand new footnotes block simplifies the process of adding and linking footnotes within your text for easy citation and referencing.

Enhanced Site Editor: Navigate and manage your site more efficiently with streamlined access to menus, styles, and pages, optimizing your editing workflow.

Aspect Ratios for Image Blocks: Lock down proportions and ensure consistent visuals by utilizing aspect ratios for image blocks.

Sticky Positioning for Blocks: Create captivating sticky columns and enjoy new possibilities for engaging designs.

Style Revisions: Easily manage and revert to previous style settings with the new style revisions feature, enhancing your design workflow.



  1. Hi Jamie,
    I have updated my wordpress to 6.3 and now my titles have disappeared from my pages, also everything has enlarged itself?
    Words are going off screen.

    Do you know how to resolve it, because I think wordpress 6.2 was much better.

  2. Im new to wordpress. Does this update effect the theme of a website? For example, I believe Astra controls the header and footer. Does this repalce that, or just add a new area to edit the header and footer?

  3. Hi Dear,

    I visited your YouTube channel and saw that your YouTube channel is very beautiful, but there are many problems that I am trying to find out, one of them is SEO, rank tag, and tag volume, you have not completed them. There are many more. If you want to know about it then inbox me.

  4. Hi! Do you know if this update will help to automatically sync the menus? I still use the twenty nineteen theme and when I try to switch to the Twenty Twenty Three theme my menus is all over the place and I don't know how to fix them. I was told from one of your colleagues that there would be coming an update that would fix that automatically in mid 23. Do you know if this update does that or do you have any other suggestion how to fix the menus?

  5. What is the reason to use extensions when gutenberg is growing so fast? to add more bloat ? extensions as Generateblocks, Astra blocks and other stuff. Yeah I know you can do more fancy things, but thats it, fancy things as elementor did once. I am very frustrated that Generateblocks does not support WooCommerce in depth,.

  6. Thanks for the great video Jamie, as always! I am just finishing the design of my website and one of the last things I wanted to do is creating my own patterns, but now I know this I will wait a few weeks until 6.3. Also the sticky elements will be a nice part, so I am looking forward to August 7!

  7. Sometimes developer try to mimic features we have in the physical world and he forgets that in the digital world we can find more efficient solution for it , like foot notes 🙃 why sending users down to see it if we can pop it right in front of him 😉

  8. Always happy to see a new video from you, and yes looking forward to a deeper video on this.

    Will template parts will transition to patterns automatically, or will that break sites that use template parts? I am guessing not, since a lot of block themes would break otherwise….

  9. Awesome video! Thanks for all you do to continue to educate folks. Just a quick note that template parts as a concept are still around. They are just grouped with Patterns right now. You still have separate flows for creating template parts throughout the interface.

  10. Thanks, helpful as always. I really wish they would ask someone like you with your insight into the beginnger/occasional user's mind before making wild changes. I really appreciate your comments on areas that will be an issue for those folks since that's who i build sites for. Looking forward to your in depth 6.3 video!

  11. Do you know when they will be implementing the partially synced pattern feature? What I am still missing in the 'new block based WP' is global style changes like CSS classes but visual. The synced patterns (formerly known as 'reusable blocks') are still the same content and style of the particular block used across the site in different places, not different content in each but same style, right?

  12. Like to help the cats! Jamie, that was an effective overview as you usually do. Looks like a massive upgrade in how you work your website from accordions to stickies – practical. I am most interested in how they will handle CSS Grid. But, I am in the learning stage on it. This book looks good – Mastering CSS Grid: A comprehensive and practical guide

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