In this video, you’ll learn about Web 3.0 and how it differences from the past versions of the internet. Cryptocurrencies and decentralization are changing how we interact with the web forever!

What is a DAO?
Why Web 3.0 is a scam:

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  1. Nice video very engaging from the beginning to the end. Nevertheless putting our time and effort in activities and investments that will yield a profitable return in the future is what we should be aiming for.

  2. 4:30 Dude your describing Peer-to-Peer. You even said it was like a torrent. That goes as far back as napster most online games back in those days were Peer-to-Peer as well.
    5:24 What your describing with DAO's and how companies will be ran the people with the most tokens what your describing already exists and they're called 'SHAREHOLDERS' sometimes majority shareholders are members of a board. These board members are sometimes hired separately or voted in by other majority shareholders and they dictate to the CEO how they expect the company to be run and by law the CEO has to run the company in a way to make the shareholders money. Also companies are not magically going to be decentralized just because you call it a DAO and use crypto. They're still shareholders just with crypto-bro buzz words.
    5:52 Facebook and Twitter don't need your personal information to delete your posts, block your account, or ban you by either your IP address like they do now or by your crypto-wallet because guess what these companies are already tooling up for the change. Honestly you would have to be outside your mind if you think these companies are going to let their biggest asset and revenue stream go away due to new tech they're already investing in. What you'll probably see is that all these 'Free' services that Google, Facebook, Twitter, maybe Amazon provide now will instead ask you to electronically sign something with a lot of fine print allowing them have unrestricted collection and use of your data in return for an email account. This will be common practice across the industry even with companies like Amazon and Walmart's online store. The difference from this and what we have now can be seen with Facebook's Metaverse plans. These companies aren't going to settle just for reading your emails, logging all your buying habits, or tracking what pornsites your on. We'll probably see this push to expand the services these companies offer in an attempt to lock people into a platform. So it would be my worst fear that they'll turn the internet into something like Apple's ecosystem or just turn all internet into something as restrictive as a console platform or the mobile internet.
    6:47 Facebook(Meta) and Google(Alphabet) are ready for this and they're not going anywhere. The government could hit all of these giant tech companies with anti-trust lawsuits and force them to break up, but guaranteed they'll take advantage of all the loopholes with these unregulated DOA's and umbrella all the new separate companies under a new DAO. Then this new parent DAO will split tokens equally amongst the new smaller companies making them all majority stake holders under one company/DAO.

  3. So everybody will have to buy servers with 100 Tb to view 4k videos and share everything to support the system. Or to sell their data to get free access to storage. Or rent a server space with coins of server providers. Optimization will be the key. Auto delete files that are without access for a month. I can't imagine this without accessing your server through wallet ant watching content from your own server. Because a lot of people will have same files. For it to become decentralized. It is exciting how it will evolve to a better solution. Without a doubt.

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  5. Web 3.0 sounds like a scary, dystopian future. Not looking forward to it. Everything connected to everything, controller by anonymous figures. How is a DAO any different from CEOs? They control through tokens rather than corporate structure or company shares. Except they are anonymous, and there's 0 oversight, financial, or legal liability. Great!

  6. So web2.0 is controlled by top people in biggest corporations like facebook, but web3.0 is completely different, controlled by "people with most tokens" in "DAOs" 🙂 Plus it's not decentralized at all. You can post whatever you want on these platforms "anonymously" whenever you want, until the platform owner forbids you. Also you can trade cryptocurrencies in any way you want until of course the crypto market owners forbid you. Blockchain as a technology is in theory decentralized, but crypto markets, nft markets, so called web3 apps are not. Not to mention that this way of usage of blockchain tech is absolutely obliterating the environment cause of extremely high energy usage.

  7. "Web 1.0" was not read only, there were forums and chat rooms, interaction forms with scripts etc. Web 1.0 was just "less graphically fancy" than web 2.0, that's why flash was so popular. Web 2.0 started the centralized big platforms, blogs, more common browser standards, APIs and the drift to dynamic websites, which adopted to mobile devices and not only big screens. Web 3.0 is the next step, the internet of things, more focus on independent networks, more standardized interfaces, more automation, also deep learning AI content delivery.

  8. Just like how Crypto hasn't caught on as a ubiquitous means of payment, internet companies and data stores based on blockchains will also never be ubiquitous. It was never made for those kinds of transactions. This web 3.0 hype, to me, is just the crypto freaks trying to better validate the pipe dream they have bought into with the barely usable currencies.

  9. 🔥 FOCAL DEFI🔥

  10. I love the idea of decentralized content that cannot be taken down by hackers without taking down the entire blockchain network. But I expect that the whole total anonymity thing will never ever happen because the vast majority of governments would legislate against it.

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