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  1. Maximizing revenue through lead and resource management as this will help to see the performance of the organisation and help to see how we can improve on how we provide servicec to clients. this will also help to maximize the time we have as an organisation and increase efficiency .

  2. The significance of this content is undeniable. A book with like messages revolutionized my approach to understanding. "The Art of Meaningful Relationships in the 21st Century" by Leo Flint

  3. Choice is B Maximizing revenue through leads and resource management, so you can keep track of the incoming lead's to then having them turn clients. instead of having file's you can have it all in a software, where you can see where you're being more productive with revenue and less productive in thing's that are not brining in customer positive satisfaction etc.

  4. I feel the right answer is maximizing revenue through lead and resource management, since if the company gets leads and doesn't meet their needs, their preferences and satisfies them, they'll miss out on them. And CRM is all about handling the leads of a given company. Based on the demand, it'll also be able to order more products.

  5. Does anyone know where I can find leads for business to consumer in Canada with good contact ratio. I have tried so many places and majority of the leads are disconnected numbers and the contact ratio is low

  6. Maximizing revenue through lead and resource management. As CRM helps a person focus on the important variables' activity in a business. It does save time for the employees to find the best possible solution for a problem by pointing out the problem area only. And as time is saved more problems can be solved in lesser time which increases the productivity and gives time to see opportunities as well. And opportunities bring revenue. A business' main objective is to maximize their profits and CRM is helping it on all levels.

  7. option b: Maximizing revenue through lead and resource management. I believe having a CRM allows you to keep track of leads and convert them to clients. Allows your teams to also follow along and update accts with vital information.

  8. Thanks a lot for the video! Even if I already use a CRM, it's always interesting to learn something new, even some basics 🙂 I'd like to know any CRM recommendations from you btw. I mean, I already use Flowlu as a CRM and I really enjoy how it works. But anyway, I'd like to see how other CRM works and what tips I can take from them to use it in Flowlu.

  9. Option B: Maximizing revenue through lead and resource management. I believe having a CRM allows you to keep track of leads and convert them to clients. Allows your teams to also follow along and update accts with vital information.

  10. Option B is correct because the primary purpose of crm is to generate leads and through resource management the company will get standard income and they can expand their buisness through it

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