Home Web Design News What Happened Inside the Supreme Court in Pivotal Free Speech Case of...

What Happened Inside the Supreme Court in Pivotal Free Speech Case of Christian Web Designer?


WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Supreme Court heard arguments on Monday in a pivotal case with broader implications for religious liberty and free speech. It hinges on whether Colorado’s public accommodations law can have any exceptions to allow business owners to keep their conscience rights.

The case known as 303 Creative v. Elenis was brought by Colorado website designer Lorie Smith against the state of Colorado several years ago.

Smith wants to expand her business by creating custom wedding websites. But she does not want to create sites that celebrate same sex marriages because she says that violates her Christian faith.

Read the full story from CBN’s Tara Mergener:

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  1. @ Rus 75 B;
    This is how discrimination begins, obviously you have never encountered it.
    This is how " your rights " are lost. You make a joke of others who suffer due to someone's corrupt Ideology sounds like a person with no humanity. Very sad.
    Maybe you might want to research your family's history and see if they suffered discrimination in the country's they came from. Did they come to America because they wanted freedom from someone's Ideology?
    Why don't you try to be a human being and not let your cruel perception get in the way
    Good luck and have a good day.

  2. @ Rus 75 B;
    This is how discrimination begins, obviously you have never encountered it.
    This is how " your rights " are lost. You make a joke of others who suffer due to someone's corrupt Ideology sounds like a person with no humanity. Very sad.
    Maybe you might want to research your family's history and see if they suffered discrimination in the country's they came from. Did they come to America because they wanted freedom from someone's Ideology?
    Why don't you try to be a human being and not let your cruel perception get in the way
    Good luck and have a good day.

  3. This case makes sad. This is not what I believe in and what I faithfully think Jesus Christ would have stood for. He tried to teach us about tolerance and compassion and love and peace. He died for our sins, and he is being used by these bakers to justify a right to discriminate. Truly sad.

  4. It’s a cake for peets sake just make the cake make your money fake a smile n move on …you may not agree with there lifestyle but how is it inconveniencing your life that much…if anything you should be getting more business 😂 but people always have to complain about something! Maybe she’s not married her self and jealous haha

  5. Would you make Jewish Rabbis Marry Muslim couples?? Same example here she should have her right to refuse service to anyone just like Walmart does when they trespass you for "looking" like a shoplifter.

  6. Christians…your precious Jesus Christ never once mentioned homosexuality…not once.
    You all dug up that hatred all by yourselves…you should proud of ignorance. Fits right in line with your black hearted stupidity.

  7. As a person who can't date a woman because I can't protect and i hate kids. The point is. We shouldn't judge people just because someone is gay or trans. I just don't see the problem with gay people. Wanting a simple cake. It's just not a big deal.

  8. Easy Fix, make sure all of your marketing material spells out that that you don't do work for gay people, problem solved.

    A private business should be able to wear their beliefs on their sleeve so that people and other businesses that would take issue with those beliefs would have the option to not associate with them and people who agree can direct their business to them, its an artisan issue, not a partisan one.

  9. The way that Colorado Attorney General Philip Weiser and Colorado Solicitor General Eric Olson say it, it could easily become confusing. Judge Timothy Smith and Attorney Kristen Waggoner help clarify this. I hope that there are enough on the Supreme Court to make it Clear that Lorie should be free to do her business for what is right, not for people who overreach to change an institution which was established by God from the foundation of his creation.

  10. So… Disney will now design a movie around BDSM. Some Disney fans who watch Disney movies are into BDSM, so.. it’s only constitutional that Disney produce BDSM movies. If they don’t they will go to court, or worse in this crazy world- get canceled.

  11. Free speech was defended against another targetted activist legal harrassment case against Christians. Religious beliefs are under attack by a coordinated effort to destroy First Amendment rights for religious groups that do not kow tow to extreme left wing activists. This campaign has as it's goal to secularize every aspect of American society and institutions and suppress religious beliefs and expression at every level as has been done in the EU countries and England already. Books, school curriculums, military chaplains, charities,and government and businesses are all under the gun to bow down or face legal harrassment, loss of business, or jobs or even government scrutiny if they don't comply with these leftwing extremists.And it is not just Christian but Jewish and Muslim beliefs too. These groups are not asking for tolerance or acceptance but intolerant demands that their lifeatyles no matter how unscientific and dysphoric like multiple genders being promoted as the norm and any objection will be met with violence and continuous legal harrassment. This level of animosity is more akin to facism than liberal thinking and it is destructive not inclusive.

  12. Freedom taken away from us and forcing us to do everything against our believes we have to respect each other and not force someone to do something against their religion. There needs to be mutual respect

  13. Is she a religious institution or a business? Figure it out. True businesses focus on making money by providing a service or a product . Do not discriminate. It should not matter whos' money you are receiving. That's called discrimination . It isn't that difficult.

  14. These people always want to add other people problems as their she doesn’t have to make them a website the same Bible they swear in on speaks about their act and it’s wrong but she has now serve them smdh.

  15. If that's how she feels, the she had better make sure the bride and groom are virgins that have never masturbated. And that they're getting married in a church. And while she's at it, she'd better make her own little inquisition questionnaire for the soon to not be happy couple to fill out.

  16. These cases should never exist and only do because everything's so mucked up in this country. God bless these businesses for trying to save what's left of freedom of conscience. It's got absolutely nothing to do with discrimination and not one of these noisy protesters would like to be similarly coerced at their job.
    SHE IS NOT REFUSING TO SERVE GAY COUPLES. It would be her right in a healthy, free society but that's not what we've got at all.

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