My annual guide to every web development technology that you can think of. We cover everything including frontend, backend, full stack, DevOps and more.

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Content Guide:

Premium eBook Version:

0:00 – Intro
1:12 – About This Guide
2:43 – Developer Roles
7:15 – Developer Goals
11:38 – Essential Tools
16:02 – HTML & CSS
18:35 – CSS Frameworks
22:28 – Sass
24:17 – Other Helpful Tools
29:59 – Design Principles
31:34 – JavaScript
34:00 – WordPress
35:54 – Basic Deployment
38:46 – Checkpoint #1
41:49 – Where To Next?
45:12 – Evolving Frontend Architecture
49:05 – Frontend Frameworks
49:33 – React
52:17 – Vue
54:05 – Angular
56:30 – Svelte
58:32 – React Ecosystem
1:06:14 – Vue Ecosystem
1:10:00 – Angular Ecosystem
1:12:50 – Svelte Ecosystem
1:15:11 – TypeScript
1:16:36 – Headless CMS
1:20:03 – Other Frontend Tools
1:24:23 – Web APIs
1:27:10 – Testing
1:29:16 – Checkpoint #2
1:30:49 – Server-Side Language
1:42:29 – Server-Side Framework
1:53:50 – REST API
1:54:37 – GraphQL
1:56:09 – Databases
2:04:27 – Database ORMs
2:09:14 – Authentication
2:12:03 – Serverless Architecture
2:13:54 – Full Stack Deployment
2:17:09 – Bun.js
2:18:36 – Checkpoint #3
2:20:25 – Containerization
2:23:00 – Web Assembly
2:24:15 – Mobile Development
2:27:18 – Progressive Web Apps
2:28:53 – Desktop Apps
2:31:56 – Design Trends
2:34:12 – IoT & Metaverse
2:35:03 – Artificial Intelligence
2:36:50 – DevOps
2:38:00 – Animation
2:39:50 – VR & AR
2:40:58 – Web3 & Blockchain
2:42:37 – Outro



  1. I've just started watching and I'm confident that this will be very helpful, as always. Thank you, Brad. 😊 Regarding text editors, I think that it's probably best to avoid Atom since the project has been archived "for an official sunset on December 15, 2022". Personally, I'll stick to using VSCode, which is free, highly functional, and customizable. πŸ‘

  2. The tech industry is firing people. We live in an attention economy. It's more profitable to record videos how to code than to work as a coder. Influencers are making money and IT people are watching them online and waiting to be fired. Does it even matter what technologies there are for web developer in 2024? Most of developers work in web development and people are using sites and apps less and less in favour of TikToks and Twitters which consume most of their time.

  3. Really good content πŸŽ‰ I just wouldn’t use word ”CSS framework” with Bootstrap or other libraries that uses JS. Also wondering where is the MUI from that list? Tailwind or custom SASS is nowadays almost a standard. Also JS word should be replaced with TypeScript nowadays πŸ˜…

  4. Couple of suggestions from a dotnet dev 😊:
    – the MS db technology is not actually called "MS SQL" but "SQL Server"
    – I would have personally introduced the much more widely used EF Core instead of Dapper as a dotnet ORM. I'd dedinitely suggest it for newcomers.

  5. Your 2018 video was my first one, i started to learn web development than, and now 6 years later i am paid $32k a year for a full stack ( close to becoming senior ) developer position. $32k in my country is a very very good salary with which i can support my parents and my future children. I also start my business this year and have few startup failures behind me. I cannot express the gratitude i have towards you, this channel and the work that you are doing here. This video release made me kind of emotional since i can see how far i came and how big your channel has grew. All the best for you , your family and big up for the best channel on YouTube. ❀

  6. Hi Brad! I took your new PHP course 'PHP From Scratch 2024 | Beginner To Advanced' and it is awesome!! Would also do a course or youtube Video about WordPress (Developing Templates, Plugins etc.)? Thank you for all your courses!

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