🚀 Ready to create your very own YouTube clone? Join Code Zack on a fantastic coding adventure and learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in a simple, enjoyable way!

In this project, we’ll walk you through building a basic YouTube-like web page that includes a video player and a list of videos. You’ll gain valuable hands-on experience in front-end web development, and you’ll have a blast doing it!

**Key Highlights:**
– **HTML Structure:** Learn how to structure your web page to host videos and create an engaging user interface.
– **Styling with CSS:** Dive into CSS for making your page visually appealing with a clean and intuitive design.
– **JavaScript Magic:** Add interactive features like switching between videos when clicking on video list items.

This is a beginner-friendly project perfect for those starting their web development journey. By the end, you’ll have a solid foundation to tackle more complex web projects.

Subscribe, like, and hit the notification bell to join the coding fun with Code Zack. Let’s build your own YouTube clone together, and make learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript a piece of cake! 🍰🎥💡 #CodeZack #YouTubeClone #HTMLCSSJS #CodingFun

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#GameDev (Game Development)


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