This video covers how we built a highly scalable headless WordPress CMS blog architecture on our main domain under the path with Next.js + WordPress. Hopefully this would be helpful for developers looking to build a similar architecture.

Tools used:
1. WordPress
2. Next.js
3. WP GraphQL plugin
4. Co Author Plus plugin
5. On demand revalidation of SSG pages on Next.js

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0:00 Teaser
0:31 Our current Setup
1:47 How does this whole setup work?
2:24 Important Plugins
6:45 Conclusion
8:01 Outro

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✨ Video Tags ✨
Build a blog with Next.js and WordPress
Next.js WordPress blog architecture
Headless blog with WordPress and Next.js

✨ Hashtags ✨
#nextjs #wordpress #blog



  1. This video covers how we built a highly scalable headless WordPress CMS blog architecture on our main domain under the path with Next.js + WordPress. Hopefully this would be helpful for developers looking to build a similar architecture.

    Tools used:
    1. WordPress
    2. Next.js
    3. WP GraphQL plugin
    4. Co Author Plus plugin
    5. On demand revalidation of SSG pages on Next.js

    ⚛ Do you want to become a full-stack web developer? Check out codedamn's full-stack learning path:

  2. Why not use Node.js as the backend? And why not just use WordPress for both frontend and backend, as we did in the past before Next.js became popular?

  3. I think if you want to integrate WordPress in React, Frontity is best. I created a React + WordPress website and believe me, It's incredible, the speed of page lazy loading and everything.

  4. Hi Mehul,

    Can you please make a video on AWS developer account setup with no / less billing for practice purpose. This help lot of developers to explore various features of AWS. (Or any other cloud) . I Know we can host app in free like vercel / netlify. But if one want to explore cloud then that video might help a lot.

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