#netflix #ux

Made this in conjunction with Peter Ramsey (@builtformars) using his super interesting case study! Check out the full story: https://builtformars.com/case-studies/netflix-ads.



  1. i genuinely think your changes are pretty good, but for the love of christ dont turn everything into dark mode.

    every site has its own color palette and flair, you're literally removing that by making all your redesigns dark.

    tl;dr: dark mode isnt always the answer

  2. And then they went bankrupt for losing everyone's interest by not making any good shows, and then cracking down on account sharing while also increasing prices, causing everyone who was paying to cancel the extremely expensive service and those who weren't paying not purchasing subscriptions because they probably couldn't afford it in the first place so Netflix would've gotten $0 anyways.

  3. Thanks I live in Russia where we have 1 subscription for music, food delivery, movies etc etc for just 1.5$ and with no ads. Can’t understand why only we have this thing💀

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