Home Web Design News Using AI for UX Design is Awesome – Crash Course

Using AI for UX Design is Awesome – Crash Course

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— Today, I’m uploading the first portion of the AI update from my UI/UX design course. You’ll learn how to use the power of OpenAI’s GPT4 to help assist you in creating the various deliverables that are typically a part of the UX process (user personas, user flows/journey maps, color schemes, demographics & more).

0:00 – Intro
0:35 – Project Overview
4:24 – GPT4 Intro
5:24 – Initial Prompts
6:50 – Target Audience
11:35 – User Personas
20:40 – Information Architecture
23:10 – User flow
27:50 – Copy
32:30 – Copy Continued
35:58 – User Testimonials
39:20 – FAQ Section
42:35 – Additional Prompt
43:48 – Color Schemes
48:37 – Continuing on..

Let’s get started!

#ux #ui #ai

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Who is Gary Simon? Well, I’m a full stack developer with 2+ decades experience and I teach people how to design and code. I’ve created around 100+ courses for big brands like LinkedIn,, Pluralsight and Envato Network.

Now, I focus all of my time and energy on this channel and my website

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  1. Gary, this is so solid. I love PRACTICAL content and not time wasters. Thanks a lot, man! I'm definitely using this. Sharing it and then saving it in my Youtube Product design playlist for future reference. Thanks Thanks Thanks.

  2. Fail to see how pulling things out of thin air with AI is actually helpful to real UX research? Also, who cares about fake mugshots of people?? How is that in any way relevant to solving problems? This is not UX. This is pulling speculative stuff out of your ass.

  3. This is pathetic dude. You're getting back a slurry of all of the UX/SEO advice on the internet, generic as hell but made custom in appearance through statistical (mathematical) analysis of word relationships that works out where the words/terms should go in it. It's meaningless. It does not replace what even 5 seconds of thinking will do

  4. This was great content!! Thank you!

    Figma Tip: if you select the text, frame, etc, and use the keyboard command [option+command+c] it will copy the attributes. Then select the element you want to match and use [option+command+v]. Enjoy! That one saves me so much time throughout the day.

  5. Oh dear, these are not real personas and actually tell you nothing except general assumption. That might serve as a starting point for a mockup but in the long run will not help you understanding the market. ChatGPT is not your potential client 😉 so better talk to real people.

  6. Is that the ready to fellate, stupid face thumbnail that every pathetic YT creator uses for click bait to game the YT algorithm? Congrats I clicked! Then I paused, so zero view time. Clicked dislike and selected never recommend channel.
    How bout them metrics and the YT algorithm Lemming? 😂

  7. Lol just asked GPT will come further in this course and it gave me this –

    52:10 – Accessibility Considerations

    57:05 – Wireframing

    1:01:40 – Prototyping Tools

    1:06:15 – Interactive Prototypes

    1:11:20 – Usability Testing

    1:15:45 – Iterative Design Process

    1:19:30 – Visual Design Principles

    1:24:15 – Typography

    1:28:50 – Imagery and Iconography

    1:33:20 – Designing for Multiple Devices

    1:38:05 – Responsive Design

    1:42:30 – Designing for Mobile Apps

    1:47:15 – Designing for Web Applications

    1:52:00 – Designing for Emerging Technologies (AR/VR, Voice UI, etc.)

    1:57:25 – Designing for Social Impact

    2:01:10 – Collaborative Design Tools and Workflows

    2:05:45 – Presenting and Communicating Design

    2:09:30 – Design Documentation

    2:13:05 – Design Handoff to Developers

    2:17:20 – Project Wrap-up and Recap

    2:21:00 – Final Assignment and Feedback

    This extended outline continues the course, covering topics such as accessibility, wireframing, prototyping tools, usability testing, iterative design, visual design principles, designing for various devices and emerging technologies, and more. It concludes with a final assignment and feedback to assess your understanding and progress.

    Please note that this outline is just a suggestion, and you can modify it based on your specific requirements or preferences.

  8. An added benefit of the Personas in chatGPT is that you can ask chatGPT to assume the role of the personas and ask them questions like "How do you feel about [Feature]", "What feature would you like to see on this website?", "Describe the your ideal outcome for using our website", "What would a bad interaction with the website would look like?"

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