Planning out a website before building it is same as saying measure twice, cut once. Prototyping is a way to do exactly this. When we design our websites, we progress from wireframing, prototyping, and finally, a full design. In this tutorial you will learn what Prototyping actually means and what it looks like. You will see the full process of taking an early prototype and wireframe and creating a website.

🎥 Video from Adrian Twarog. Check out his YouTube channel:

🔗 Learn how to create a wireframe in the first video in this series:

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  1. hey I noticed you didn't know this but if you select an element then hold alt and hover around on other elements, the spacing will show up, can be useful when try to measure equal spacings/padings.

  2. Um, this isn't a prototype, this is just a another wireframe. The kind we typically start with. The lone he started with we either dont do it or we use it instead of this. Prototypes actually work. That means the links work, the animations work, slide shows work, forms are built in (not fully functional at this point, but actual forms not just white boxes. etc To further illustrate this note that Bootstrap is a "prototyping framewok" meaning prototypes and made with CSS. HTML and Javascript. Not everything works properly but it will resize etc.

  3. This was exactly what I was looking for the other day on your channel! Looking forward to the colour theory one as well, I know it but not in the website sense. Thank you for your content, it was spot on and easy to follow.

  4. Saving this video.
    First time I used figma for a job.. the object kept changing position.. I ended up using Adobe XD.
    But you have given me hope on figma. And I will get back to using figma.

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