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0:00 Intro to Midjourney for Web Designers
1:50 Midjourney web design showcase part 1
5:00 Midjourney web design showcase part 2


This Midjourney web design server is blowing my mind..! 😱



  1. I’ve been using MidJourney regularly since June 2022, I was always waiting for it to be able to create component and layout ideas for random design projects I want to do. With V4 I was able to extract elements for use in my private designs, with V5 it got so much better than I make my work as a freelance designer a lot easier as well.

    By intuition, if I hit a good design with the prompt I write, I will create a beautiful looking landing page in 2 hours instead of 8-16.

  2. If mid Journey can pretty much come up with a great design idea, why then recreate the design in figma and then in webflow. Why not go straight to webflow after mid journey? What does figma give you if you already have a mid journey design idea?

  3. With most of these designs, I feel like I'm 10 years in the past. Almost like seeing a wooden bookshelf from the 2013 iOS. Good for color palette, mediocre for illustrations (coz lots of them look like cheap stock) mediocre for inspiration, really bad for UX.

  4. Pat, I want to express my gratitude for providing this platform for us to exchange ideas. I'm pleased to share that I presented several design options for my upcoming project to my client, who selected the best ones. I'm now excited to move forward with building the website, which only took me less than an hour! I'm truly amazed!

  5. Hey Pait I have an AI writer a created while i locked myself in a room for 3 months and I dont know what to do with it. I would be interested to know your take how to leverage such opportunity as fast as possible. I can write 1000 high-value consultative articles per day and I'm not sure where to begin.

  6. At this point it's somewhat easier for me to identify which images are designed by ai, and whenever i see these types of designs i spend the next 20 minutes just thinking "wow, that's beautiful" left in awe. Our jobs since the explosion of ai have gotten a lot more fun and easier.

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