Watch as I show you how to recreate the annoyingly good nav menu from (It’s not really annoying, I’m just teasing…mostly)

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Tools used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript


Music Credits:

Rock, Water, Plant, Building – StreamBeats – Lofi – Harris Heller



  1. Hey, love all your videos and the way you interact with the viewers. I recently built an online store for my own local business and I'm sure youd be shocked if you had a look at the source code. Think you can spruce it up for me?

  2. so happy that i came across your channel serious u inspire me alot to to start building whatever I see on the internet! and just expand my portfolio, hands down you are the best web content creator on the internet

  3. Great great content, but I was frustrated from the first to the last minute.
    There's not breathing. You probably wouldn't make a site without white space, so why not give some air? (or "ma", as Hayao Miyazaki would say)

    The things appear while you are talking: yeah it could be said while writing code, but then wait a second to show what was done. Explanation -> Code -> Result
    There's no time to even evaluate what was done and understand
    Tried watching it 0,5x but the voice becomes strange.
    Even at 0,5x, the cuts are so quick that I have to either give up looking to the code, or listening to you, or looking to what was done.
    When you look to the result, the next content already entered, so I have to tap left to return 5 seconds and then pause to see what really was done.

    After all, I haven't learn anything because my mind didn't have time to learn anything. I bet you wouldn't choose a rock gig to study quantum physics hahaha

    The content is really great, don't know how I discovered you (probably clicked thinking it was a fireship video), the format is not bad, but the didactic could improve a lot.
    It's the same problem with fireship (I'm guessing you "inspired" in him), but most of fireships videos are just big summaries with lots of quick jokes.
    I haven't done any of his courses, but I bet he doesn't speed ramp everything when the target is to teach.

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