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The explosion of the internet over the past 20 years has led to the development of one of the newest creative mediums: the website. Web designers have adapted through the technological developments of html, CSS, Flash, and JavaScript, and have mastered the balance between creativity and usability. Now with the advance of mobile, the greatest websites have taken user experience and responsive design to the next level, and continue our evolution from print to a digital world.

Jeffrey Zeldman,
Jason Santa Maria
Whitney Hess

Bliss (Henrik Jose) –
Eric Skiff –
Minus Baby –
Yusuke Tsutsumi –
Binarpilot –
Atomic Horsebox –

More Off Book:
Our last video Can Fandom Change Society?:
An examination of The Art of Animation & Motion Graphics:
Our short documentary on Glitch Art:
We took a look at The Art of Logo Design:
A sweet piece on the amazing Worlds of Viral Video:

Follow Off Book:
Twitter: @pbsoffbook

Produced by Kornhaber Brown:



  1. I would say that all people really need to get into presenting their online business on the world wide web. I also assume that ranking in the major serps might be a great starting position. Excellent video!

  2. For me the looks of the website is the very first impression to the visitors. Of course content is still king when it comes to the ranking on search engine and leads generation. 

  3. I know content is king but it seems to me a lot of designers are putting aesthetics on the back burner these days. Id like to see more artistic and creative designs on the web. Dont get me wrong they are out there but too far in between in my opinion. 

  4. This is a good primer on the various mediums of creative web design and development with tablets, desktop and smartphone. Amazing what you can find out in 7 minutes about your own website's potential. Compare it against the thought that went into your own marketing and development. 

  5. really nice site, but a lot of website owners don't realize that average time people spend in their sites are about 10-20 sec. Increase it by adding some more interactive content like spokesperson etc. tamtamtools. com

  6. Trying to work and learn from the PROFI we become a PROFI RNMONEAEYATHOME.HOSTEI.COM this site helped and help many people, even me, I was not friends with the computer end now I'm making 100$ minimum at day depends days,maximum for me was 700$, beautiful day, I know I can do more if you wanna try RNMONEAEYATHOME.HOSTEI.COM

  7. This was a really Great video! However ~ I would like to note the one guy saying web design uses Additive Color ~ that is wrong. CMYK is Additive Color. All screen displays use rgb which is Subtractive Color actually. RGB is based on the light spectrum, obviously.

  8. I just found out a WP training course that will help you transform WordPress into a professional marketing platform. It is a really stunning and very important course for any marketer in any niche, You can literally follow the videos step by step and transform your blog in a few hours. if you wanna learn more search on YTube for a video titled: –––»"QQ Course" «–– and become a WordPress Guru in no time!

  9. So the internet should just stay as it was 20 years ago? You did a very good job developing the foundations of what we use but to just leave it would be a waste. That's how technology works. With that logic the Nokia 3310 was a good phone, we'll use that forever. We'll all work with IBM machines and Apple II's because they worked.

  10. you developers have no emotion, first of all we are talking about a product made for the people, we human beings are visually oriented, we have eyes to gather visual information like shapes, lines, we are surrounded by graphics, it makes us understand better and better express ourselves.

    webdesign is not only about graphics or code, we also care about our clients needs and work together to achieve website/service success.

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