As you know, Google will soon roll out the Google helpful content update and it has some SEOs and site owners a bit on edge. But a recent poll Aleyda Solis posted on Twitter shows that almost 50% of SEOs feel the content they produce is helpful and are thus not worried about this algorithm update.

The poll asked are you concerned about Google’s announced Helpful Content Update outcome on your sites?”

Almost half of SEOs who responded say they are not worried because the content they already produce is helpful. The other half said they are not sure, they have to wait to see. Then a smaller percentage, like 9% said, are worried and expect they will need to prune and improve the content on their client or their own sites.

Here are the final poll results:

Heck, I am not even sure if the content on this site is helpful enough to rank well with the helpful content update – but no, I am not worried.

Forum discussion at Twitter.

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