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It’s winter, so that means loads of space heater products are coming out of the woodwork. But do products like the Alpha Heater and Blaux HeatCore live up to the claims? One of them might surprise you.

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  1. One thing produce heat , it’s a resistance , and the equation to calculate the power is always the same ,
    – Power (watts) = resistance (ohms) X current (amps)

    Means all this heaters are scams 🤡🤡🤡🤡…. You can’t get a resistance that give you more power with a lower resistance rating 🫣🫣🫣🫣…
    The best solution I found is bed heating blanket ,,, just 100w consumption … but you have to be in bed to feel the warm 😁😁😁

  2. LOL I actually love my little insta heat heater just to take the chill off my bathroom. I have never had to set it above 68. Yes, I do shut it off every time and unplug it from the wall. I did not pay $ 49, more like $20? Good review though, I look forward to seeing more. Blessings!

  3. The only heaters I use are a PS5 and a heater with an RTX3080, a monitor, and KBM. They come with a lot of mini-games, but why would you pay the markup 'em? Well, that's 'cause I can leave 'em on and heating, take a crap, return 9 days later, and the two heaters haven't 420'd my room. I also only use one at a time. Maybe they'd smoke my room if I let 'em both blaze it at the same time, but one's safe enough for my week-long toilet time.

    Please send help! I'm stuck on the toilet writing this, 'cause I ran out of prunes! Think toilet paper has enough fiber for better digestion? /j

  4. My stepdad bought me something like the alpha heater and it was obviously not pushing out much hot-air and my stepdad would get pissed at me for sitting close to it lmao but you literally couldn't feel anything 3+ feet away and it took a solid like 8-9 hours to feel a difference in temperature in the room

  5. 6:55… “They show her sleeping next to the heater .” Not trying to play Satan‘s Philadelphia lawyer here, but you cannot see the heater in that photograph. You have to assume that the heater is sitting on her night table next to her.(which probably is less than 3 feet away, as in, “3 feet from the heat”) I love your videos Ken. Though I do believe this may be one of your rare brain farts. I love the ideas and concepts behind these products during the YouTube ads that hawk these kind of products. But when you click on the link, you’re right, they always pull that “scarcity scam.” There is NO SUCH THING as a scarce in high demand product being offered at a discount,… EVER! 😎… Imagine gasoline being sold at a deep discount during a gas shortage…Dude, some things just don’t happen.

  6. Atleast they are not scalpers…. but they are damn close…. actually… I'm not sure if this counts as scalping. I don't think it quite counts. Because of places like Ross. Whole sale I think it's called?

  7. I wanted a portable ac. But I never believed it. I mean what does it do with the heat? I mean I guess it could be turned into momentum for a fan…. but I don't think anyone knows how to directly draw in heat and turn it into momentum. That would cool a room without breaking physics….

  8. A standard outlet is 15 amp. It is VERY unusual in typical construction to have a 20 amp outlet – which requires larger wire, 12-2 instead of 14-2, and a larger 20 amp breaker in the electrical panel. THUS ANY HEATER plugged into a standard outlet is limited to 15 amp. Standard voltage is 110 volts, so 15 x 110 = 1650 watts. They always leave a slight safety margin so at 110 volts limiting the amperage to about 13.6 amps – which can be safely used in most 15 amp circuits without tripping older and slightly tired 15 amp breakers. Now if you REALLY want to warm a space in most temperate climates use a de-humidifier. The heat released by the motor PLUS the heat of evaporation released by the condensing water is GREATER than 1500 watts AND when you remove the water from the air a LOWER temperature feels warmer. In the fall and spring, a couple of 15 amp de-humidifiers in the basement of a typical residence coupled with turning on the fan only of the furnace can effectively SHORTEN the need to have the furnace on by 2 to 3 months saving many $$$ in fuel costs. Plus THEY WILL NEVER CATCH FIRE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.

  9. it looks like HeatPal too.. that was so called invented by a young boy in school who was always in a cold class..and invesnted this.. i remember that he also invented a cooler for heat in the class. hahahaha we also have another here, which sound all the same..

  10. After seeing numerous "Skip Ad" videos which claim how genius college students or retired aeronautical engineers have kindly shared their "discoveries" to help reduce our heating bills, this Krazy Ken analysis confirms my initial instincts that it's all BS. The Blaux heater looks like it may also have been copied by other unscrupulous people who are currently selling models under the name of ecoheat and thermafast. They aren't identical to Blaux's model, but look uncannily similar. Maybe this could be another investigation that you could lead ?

  11. electric heaters are no use to us here in scotland,,,we now have the dearest electric and gas in the entire planet,and it will be rising another 45%+ next april so we are all screwed to heat our homes,,,,

  12. Thanks for the review, Krazy Ken! I was excited to purchase the Alpha Heater due to its claims on energy savings, heat readiness times, compact size and portability, but something told me to look into further reviews. I appreciate your time in review and sharing!! I'll stick with my space heaters for now.

    A funny side note: I presume Blaux, is a play on the word "blow" using French-inspired spelling. Similar to "faux" as in, faux fur, LOL

  13. We bought a couple of these small type heaters.On a middle heat setting the cost from electricity is about 30 p an hr.It is adevertising hype nothing special.Ours used roughly 1kw per hr.

  14. Hey Computer clan, thank you for a very nice and informative video. I was wondering if it was possible that i showcase some clips of your finds on tiktok. I will make sure mention your channel as the source.

  15. Probably a good thing you put the wrong CVV into that one fake "news site" / advertisement site. I would not trust my CC with them. They could easily also sell your info and even use the info to open up other CC's in your name and use it themselves or sell them. But ya this had been my experience too when researching a heater my mom saw in an ad at the bottom of a recipe site. Even when typing in if the heater was a scam .. then tons of fake "news sites" about read this new before buying if it is a scam or not. And it really was jus the same fake dribble just to get you to buy it. At the bottom are always comments or reviews of people who supposedly bought it but no where to submit your own and they are all fake as well. And every single link the page all goes to the same place: the purchase with your CC page.

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