Podcasting on WordPress is getting easy thanks to the Seriously Simple Podcasting Plugin and their paid service Castos.

Get the plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/seriously-simple-podcasting/
Signup for Castos: https://plugintut.com/go/castos

Learn more: https://plugintut.com
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  1. Thanks for the video! Sorry for the silly question but how does it work with regards to revenue? I know that Anchor gives you a percentage of the revenue from advertising. With the Castos / seriously simple podcasting combo, I am guessing there is no revenue? Say in the long run you build up a following and have lots of listeners, with Castos / seriously simple podcasting combo, you would have to do your own advertising is that right? I guess the positive is that you have more control and you can do your sponsorship in the podcast? I hope that makes sense, just learning all about this stuff. Thanks

  2. see this is where it bugs me i want to do a podcast so i can earn not host providers but i avoid anchor to not fill their pockets but videos like this just say mite as well go to people like an anchor because you can't lose really. Because by the time I've paid for web hosting and all the plugins it works out actually cheaper to use the big guns

  3. Hi and thanks for the informative video — In the settings, I have my post type set to podcast post type set to "Post" but after creating the episode, it is not showing up the WP Posts listing. I have tried a million different times with different configurations, but I cant get the episode to show up as a WP Post. Can anyone help? Thanks so much in advance.

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