In this video I explain in detail how you can use Sections, Inner Sections, Columns, Margin & Padding to create a page layout in Elementor. This is a Elementor Tutorial for beginners that want to get started in Elementor. So if you are new to Elementor, then this video might be interesting for you.

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→ Hardware that I use for videos
Macbook Pro 13 inch:
Camera: RX100 Mark 3:
Microphone: Zoom H1:
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→ Helpful for beginner
Elementor Basics in 10 minutes. Watch:
Elementor Pro Basics in 20 minutes. Watch:
How to Install Elementor and WordPress. Watch:

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  1. You say when putting buttons next to each other you used Advanced – Inline …. but how did you get them to even be THERE in the first place before you changed the default !!!! ????

  2. Thank you so much for this video! It is very helpful for me as a beginner with Elementor. I have a question about the "Boxed" Section default width of 1140 pixels. If I use this default section width, do my sections ever grow wider than that? For example on large 4K or 5K screens? I'm basically wondering if the 1140 pixel section width is responsive on larger screens. Or is it a best practice to have a section width of 1140 px also on larger screens?

  3. Dude, just found your channel. LOVE IT! I'm in exact same shoes as you. XD designer based in london who is working with elementor. What is a good range to charge for a project? (i know there are a TON of variables, but just a rough estimate)

  4. Thank you. Although I've used other page builders, Elementor is a different ball game. I think it's much better than what I've used in the past (especially since it doesn't depend on short codes), but I was confused about how the structuring worked. Your video really clarified this for me, and I know it saved me hours of fiddling and failing as I tried to get used to it. I appreciate you sharing what you've learned and saving many of us from hours of frustration.

    Edit: Fixed spelling and grammer issues

  5. why preview page in elementor shows different thing with live version? I try to implement your trick on giving minus in pading/ margin but its not really work. Should I subscribe elementer pro?

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