Yo ninjas, in this responsive design tutorial, I’ll show you how we can make our images responsive. There are 2 way – using relative measurements, or by using the relatively new HTML element, the picture tag, along with a polyfill called picturefill – https://scottjehl.github.io/picturefill/

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========== JavaScript for Beginners Playlist ==========


========== CSS for Beginners Playlist ==========


========== HTML for Beginners Playlist ==========


========== The Net Ninja ============

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  1. This is a great video without a doubt. But can't we resize it on the media query and set the width according to it. I hope you will understand what I am saying here and want a kind reply of yours. Appreciated your kind time and effort in the youtube to educate the people.

  2. Hi, thanks to this series tutorials. I have a question about the pictures since I didn't find it from the github package. Is it missing or just I didn't download the right package?

  3. Good tutorial. But this discusses about images placed in the HTML document; what about images placed through CSS background-image property? Is there any way to make these images behave like this? I'm sure you'll agree that often times we have to insert images through the CSS.

  4. Nowadays using services like https://imageboss.me to generate images in multiple resolutions on demand makes life very easy in terms on how to manage and generate those images on the go. The most difficult part on my opinion isn't the HTML code itself but managing so many versions of the same image and continue to make your product growth and scale over the years.

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