Learn how to build a responsive React website using React Hooks and React Router in this beginner tutorial. We are going to build the front end UI using React JS. The main sections of the site are made with reusable components that you can customize and add wherever you want.

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0:00 What we are building
4:50 Create React App in terminal
9:30 Creating the pages folder
14:10 Installing React Router
15:00 Adding React Icons
28:53 Creating the Button Component
48:10 Access the source code
58:48 Creating the Hero section
1:10:15 Creating the Homepage
1:26:06 Adding the Footer Component
1:30:27 Creating the Pricing Component
1:52:24 Updating the Routes pages
1:59:22 Adding an external link in Footer

Watch my other React Website Design Tutorial Here

Here is the source code

Be sure to like and subscribe! Feel free to refactor my code to make it better. Also, let me know any cool tricks or tips that I can add to improve my next project



  1. With latest version of react js … I am not able to shadow same behaviour. Hero section is not working at all. I tried to clone your project nd run in local env but that is also not working. Please let me know anyone else is able to run

  2. for auto class creation go to settings in VS Code by pressing Shift + Control + P type settings.json into the search. Open Settings (JSON)
    "emmet.triggerExpansionOnTab": true,

    "emmet.includeLanguages": { "javascript": "javascriptreact" }

  3. Amazing Skills, but the return function in Button.js is broken and the site will not load. Cannot complete the tutorial in 2022.


    Line 28: Parsing error: Unexpected token (28:0)


    Line 28:12: Parsing error: Unexpected token, expected "," (28:12)

  4. Hey Brian thanks so much for the awesome video, I am still new to React and you did an awesome job at explaining your code. However i got lost during the Button.js component creation, is that the react styled components way of building components you used or its something else, may you please make a tutorial that explains what you did there or just a tutorial to help us understand the concept you used when you created the Button.js component

  5. Hi Brian! thank for this amazing tutorial. I had no idea about how react works! I followed your tutorial, and tried to practice this. However I am not able to compile anything other than the navbar. Vs code doesn't show any error. But the HeroSection is not loading? (text and SVG, everything in Data.js) could you tell me what I could be doing wrong here. So glad I found your tutorials. You have a new sub!

  6. Great videos man. Learning a lot from you! But I feel stupid… lol. The only part I’m not getting is how you make the navbar menu items appear and disappear. What part of the code does that? Is it the JS or the CSS? Can’t figure it out.

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