React.js social media application design tutorial. Create social media project using React functional components and React Hooks.

In the last tutorial, we created a social media Rest API using Node.js. If you didn’t watch that video, here you are, and in the next part, we will combine that API and this design. To watch the last part:

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0:00 Introduction
1:38 Installation
8:22 Topbar Component
25:19 Body Components
32:42 Sidebar Component with Material Icons
43:56 Feed (Share, Post Components)
01:12:43 Rightbar Component
01:24:14 Using Dynamic Data
01:38:19 Like Functionality with useState Hook
01:42:21 Profile Page
02:02:47 Login and Register Pages
02:16:42 Future



  1. I love your simplicity bro, I mean creating such high value content and putting it completely free on internet shows your gratitute and down to earth nature. You videos are extremely great and helpful for the coding community. I hope someday I can contribute for your efforts after getting a job.

    Let me tell you, there are channels who are doing great stuffs like you, but most of their content are half done for you type means they hide some details of the application. I don't have problem with length and I like such full detailed tutorials like yours. Hence, Thankyou so much for everything you are doing for the community.

  2. You are really experienced, i think it would take me a lot of time to reproduce Facebook like you, but i'm happy that i understood everything you said. It was really cool to see, thank you for the amazing resource.

  3. Am encounter with error during the first step where to locate the folder..the line you typing 'npx create-react-app .' I can go through. Please help 🙏

  4. Hello friends. Please note that there are some changes. With the release of v5, the names of all related packages were changed from @material-ui/* to @mui/* as part of updated branding.

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