Wonder what technologies and trends will dominate the web development in 2020 and 2025?

ReactiveConf 2019

Richard Feldman

Conference Organizers provided Coding Tech with the permission to republish the ReactiveConf videos.

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  1. f you are looking for the best coin to invest in look no further! ELA Elastos, Superb Web 3.0 Project,

    Approved by the World Economic Forum, Low Market Cap, Low Coin Supply, just had First Halving,

    $1000,000 Marketing Campaign starting February 2022. ATH $80 currently $4, predicted $1000 per

    coin! For More info visit http://www.elastos.org – see is at the web3 conference on 22nd January!

  2. Well hopefully wasm does end up replacing JS eventually. No point in comforting the devs right now to lull them into not learning other LLVM-able languages, though it is possible JS will continue as just another language when everyone else will be in 'everything else' so it will not remain the only scripting language to exist on the web. Considering the absolute hellish state of framework dystopia I am certain these devs will do literally everything in their ability to keep it around even if it comes to ruining wasm's potential in the short run by forcing it to comply with JS-ness rather than explore its own possibilities.

  3. I wonder if JavaScript JIT compilation results in performance close enough to WebAssembly, to not even be bothered with WebAssembly (except for other languages).
    With browser wars such as they are, one would anticipate that JIT compilation tech will improve in leaps and bounds to be good enough.

  4. I wouldn't bet my future on any of these niche JS fashion frameworks. There's a new one popping up every 5 minutes.
    Which leaves one to wonder if current ones will even be around in 2025.

  5. If ECMAScript clashes with Typescript, most likely, what's going to happen is ECMAScript will adjust itself to take the good bits of typescript and work it into itself. This is how CSS evolved; by learning from frameworks the direction of the industry and course-correcting.

  6. A very narrow point of view.
    AI will change everything we know about creation. And it includes web apps, video editing, text messaging, image creation and everything we can imagine about creativity.

    Specifically web, I expect by 2025 almost all serious companies will produce and maintain at least one product without programmers.
    It will include a product manager + AI algorithm like Codex + one Programmer to tune the results.
    Your thinking is linear but what will actually happen is exponential

  7. This guy need to shut the hell up, talks really fast but no real useful insight. If I really want functional programing i'll just go with haskell and closurescript. Why do i keep get recommended garbage talks from some elm saleman?

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