www.kirksvillewebdesign.com – New Google Sites Web Design Tutorial



  1. Hey there, nice Video.

    Are there any options to use custom fonts (no Google fonts)? I want to prevent google fonts on my website to have it DSGVO (GDPR) conform.

    Right now I am not allowed to use google fonts any more, because the ip of visitors is sent to google US..

  2. This is like the cooking shows where you need to make a baked alaska with a rubber band and a dream. Kyle did an admirable job but if google sites could do some more robust things that would be better obv.

  3. Thanks for the video….I just have a couple of questions. I want to make a website in Google sites to show my reel as a musician. I don't want to anyone download the audios, just listening to them. Is this possible to do it with Google sites? I would also like to change the design for cell phones, I don't want them to open on another page and I also want the audiobar looks exactly the same as in Ipad or PC version….Tell me please if is possible! I´m desperate

  4. just found your site and it's very cool because there isn't much content about the new Google Sites out there – most of them are simple tutorials or news.

    Can you make more videos and show examples what you can do with the new Google sites?

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