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MWC 2022 wrap-up


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  1. I work in the chip industry and yet I feel strange while watching that video at this time. I mean we are just out of covid, a possibly-nuclear war is happening in Ukraine, and the latest IPCC report announcing major catastrophes for humanity just came out this week.
    Yet we are producing phones with 15 cameras, with folable screens or expensive chips to play AmongUs or SnapShat.
    I feel like all of these are useless, with the only point of increasing consumption.
    Some of you will probably say it is the future and that these are revolutions. Perhaps it is true in term of technological advances, but I am really not sure in term in humanity advances. I feel like these human brains, energy and expensive materials could benefit us greater if spent in a different manner.

  2. MWC showed more latops than phones. US want push for 6G, really? US just start use c-band this year as most countries use c-band since first generagiton in 2018, US is far behind. to use 6G will need new phones, new development, new phone service, that does not happen in few days.

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