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0:00 – Introduction
1:09 – SSW Rewards
1:29 – What is Blazor?
2:50 – Demo: Getting Started
7:20 – Installing Visual Studio 2022
10:58 – Demo: Counter Upgrade
29:40 – Demo: Fetch Data Upgrade
58:29 – Demo: To-do App
1:19:01 – Demo: Home Page Upgrade
1:24:00 – Book recommendation: Blazor WebAssembly by Example
1:28:01 – Summary
1:29:20 – Q&A Session with Adam Cogan

Ready to get up to speed with Blazor WebAssembly? You’ve picked the right time! Blazor has been running production systems for over two years now – it’s battle-tested and what’s more, Microsoft is just about to launch .NET 6 , the long-term support version of their hugely successful development platform.

Whether you’re a student or a seasoned developer, now is the perfect time to get started. In this talk, Jason will make sure you get started on the right foot. He will demonstrate tools, components, data access, code generation, forms, validation, component libraries and more! Everything you need to build enterprise applications using Blazor WebAssembly and .NET 6.

About the Speaker:
Jason Taylor is a passionate developer, architect, trainer and mentor with 20 years of professional experience. He has worked with .NET since 2001, and currently specializes in developing enterprise applications utilizing .NET Core, ASP.NET Core, EF Core, Angular, Vue, and Azure. Jason is an expert on Clean Architecture with .NET Core, and has one of the most sought after GitHub repos containing an awesome template for using Clean Architecture. Jason loves a challenge and is skilled at progressing from a simple proposal into a well-defined, coded, and tested solution.

Since joining SSW in 2016, Jason has worked with many clients to deliver successful solutions using the .NET stack. He has also shared his knowledge and experience with the wider developer community by:
– Speaking at conferences around the world including DDD, NDC and GOTO
– Speaking at .NET User Groups
– Delivering training on .NET Core and Clean Architecture
– Getting involved in community events, including DDD Brisbane & Hack4Good

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Created by SSW TV | Videos By Developers, For Developers



  1. Fist three lessons, tells you how blazor solves all problems where u write c# across server/client. 4th lesson, jumps to javascript tutorial. You can't make this up.

  2. Thank you for the great content, but I have a note about the code in 1:16:20 , why not checking the status code returned from the API and based on that , if it was 422 or 400 whatever you return for validation errors, then you take an action in converting the response into validation errors, you shouldn't let the system throw exception, exceptions shouldn't be used to control normal program flow, it's bad for the performance
    also here in your example, you're not sure that the exception is thrown because of validation, it can be service not available or any other error, so it will fail again in the catch block

  3. Hi Jason, Why the nswag client generation msbuild task is only in debug environments? How will it work in the build pipelines? Another question, in Blazor wasm projects, server project has a dependency on client project. The auto-client generation using nswag which is published as part of server build needs to be consumed by the client. Looks like there is a circular dependency. Any ideas on how to solve it?

  4. Hey just FYI…. [Parameter] prop doesn't work on the same line for some reason.
    But if it is on separate lines it works…
    Microsoft trying to enforce a best practice here? Kind like if…else statements… everything on its own line… maybe!

  5. Thank you for amazing video. A lot of nice approaches I always learn from your presentations. Clean architecture is my favorite I think.

    My only concern is about validation. To me for each component adding try catch block to catch server validation is repititive.
    I believe this can be handled in a common place. I think I did it before by using a custom HttpMessageHandler for HttpClient, and hopefully swagger is using dependency injected HttpClient which I have to check to be sure 🙂

  6. Blazor is just amazing for a .NET team wanting to do modern web apps. No need to become an expert in JS and picking up a popular framework. Just hop on blazor and start coding, we already know the razor syntax so there is very little to learn.

    Blazor isnt perfect but it's a great option and I've already have 5 production sites running without any issues.

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