In this video, I’m going to cover some ways to help your mobile development workflow as you design and develop responsive websites for mobile devices. Responsive websites are awesome, but they can be more tricky to code and to preview.

How to live reload:

This is the mobile workflow that I prefer:
start your project using liveReload, then
– code in the browser
– code with device-specific profiling in the browser
– test with iPhone emulator
– test with actual devices on your network – accessing via your IP address

Also watch: “Responsive Design Tutorial – Tips for making web sites look great on any device”



  1. I was looking up what coding to use to build a friendly mobile website. This did not answer my question. What website coding should I use (C++, Java, HTML, etc)? What coding option are there? Want to go this direction to by pass having to create three different compatible mobile apps for the same thing, 10x the cost and opening up to multiple possibilities for security issues. P.S. GLAD you speak a version of english that I can understand clearly ЁЯе│

  2. Bootstrap is BLOATED and not a good way to go if you are first learning how to code. Bootstrap actually handicaps beginners. You need to understand what is going on under the hood before using any sort of Framework.

  3. Hopefully this comment helps a fellow newbie…

    If you download XCode, launch it and AGREE to the LICENSE. If you don't, Yeoman will build your webapp scaffold without a bower_components directory. This causes several problems, including not being able to live reload.

    Pulled my hair out all morning before figuring this out. Hope it saves someone the trouble.

  4. Great video, thank you!!

    Do you happen to have a video explaining how to use/setup this live server and local-host?

    I am learning HTML/CSS and so far all the books or tutorials I've worked through had me just opening the HTML files directly in the browser. I've been looking into how to be able to test these for mobile and not just through a desktop browser.


  5. Hi. I'm trying to practice styling for mobile devices, tablets, large screens but i came a cross some websites it has 1000- 3500 lines of CSS !!! which made me nerves about learning CSS. is that something i have to do when i go to a job ?? do i have to write that much of code to style a website when i work for a certain company?? Thank you & God bless┬а

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