Learn how to use Angular Material in this full tutorial course for beginners. Angular Material is a UI component library for Angular JS developers. Angular Material design components help in constructing attractive, consistent, and functional web pages and web applications while adhering to modern web design principles like browser portability, device independence, and graceful degradation.

🎥 Tutorial from Codevolution. Check out their YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC80PWRj_ZU8Zu0HSMNVwKWw

⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (0:00:00) Introduction
⌨️ (0:02:42) Getting Started
⌨️ (0:10:01) Material Module
⌨️ (0:13:00) Typography
⌨️ (0:17:18) Button
⌨️ (0:23:35) Button Toggle
⌨️ (0:29:27) Icons
⌨️ (0:31:51) Badges
⌨️ (0:39:52) Progress Spinner
⌨️ (0:44:19) Navbar
⌨️ (0:47:51) Sidenav
⌨️ (0:57:39) Menu
⌨️ (1:10:00) List
⌨️ (1:14:47) Grid List
⌨️ (1:19:46) Expansion Panel
⌨️ (1:25:08) Cards
⌨️ (1:28:09) Tabs
⌨️ (1:31:12) Stepper
⌨️ (1:37:17) Input
⌨️ (1:43:60) Select
⌨️ (1:50:13) Autocomplete
⌨️ (2:00:38) Checkbox and Radio Button
⌨️ (2:05:18) Date Picker
⌨️ (2:11:48) Tooltip
⌨️ (2:15:05) Snackbar
⌨️ (2:24:08) Dialog
⌨️ (2:33:40) Data table
⌨️ (2:42:29) Exploring Data table
⌨️ (2:47:36) Data table Filtering
⌨️ (2:51:43) Data table Sorting
⌨️ (2:55:11) Data table Pagination
⌨️ (2:58:18) Virtual Scrolling

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  1. Hello Eng Can You Help Me -> AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (One or more errors occurred. (The npm script 'start' exited without indicating that the Angular CLI was listening for requests. The error output was: This version of CLI is only compatible with Angular versions ^13.0.0,

    but Angular version 8.2.12 was found instead.

  2. Excellent tutorial!!!! Thanks a lot for the beginner-friendly course. Most of the Angular Material tutorials I've been watching have been a bit confusing for me, but after watching this, I've clearly understood how to add the most commonly used Angular Material components to my Angular project. For anyone out there who's just starting out in Angular Material, this is the time-saving eye-opener you need.

  3. I cannot get the sort of the table to work just by copying every step when using Angular 12. However it does work if you use ngAfterViewInit() instead of ngOnInit().
    The material docs shows that is the correct way with newer versions.

  4. this is a very good tutorial. one thing to watch out for however is even two years later, with the latest versions of angular and materials, some adjustments need to be made so the page compiles, but I have got it to work every time I faced a road block so don't despair.

  5. 0:13:00 Typography:

    1. display

    2. headings

    3. body and caption


    1. 17:19 Buttons and indicators (6 variants and 3 color choices):

    1.1. Rectangular buttons: regular, raised, flat, stroked

    1.2. Shaped: icon , fab, mini fab

    1.3. Color directive: primary, accent, warn

    1.4. disableRipple directive

    1.5. mat-button-toggle #togleButton, checked {{toggleButton.checked}}

    1.6. mat-button-toggle-group

    1.7. 29:27 mat-icon

    1.8. 32:01 matBadge="3" attribute, matBadgePosition, matBadgeSize, matBadgeColor="accent", matBadgeOverlap. Overlapping is nor recommended for text. [matBadgeHidden]="count === 0"

    1.9. mat-progress-spinner, mat-spinner, mat-progress-bar. justify-content: space-between

    2. 44:19 Navigation

    2.1. mat-toolbar, mat-side-nav-container, mat-side-nav opened mode, mat-side-nav-content

    2.2. 57:45 mat-menu, @mat-menu-item, [matMenuTriggerFor]="appMenu", sub menu, @xPosition, @yPosition, @matMenuContent, @matMenuTriggerData

    3. Layout

    3.1. 1:10:00 mat-list, mat-list-item, @dense, mat-nav-list, @mat-list-item, @matIcon, @matListIcon, mat-divider

    3.2. 1:14:49 mat-grid-list, @cols, @rowHeight, @gutterSize, mat-grid-tile, @rowspan, @colspan

    3.3. 1:19:56 mat-expansion-panel, mat-panel-expansion-header, mat-panel-title, mat-panel-description, mat-action-row, mat-accordion @multi, @hideToggle

    3.4. 1:25:11 mat-card, mat-card-title, mat-cart-content, mat-cart-actions @align

    3.5. 1:28:10 mat-tab-group, mat-tab @label {{tabRef.selectedIndex}} (selectedTabChange)

    3.6. mat-horizontal-stepper @linear, mat-step @label @completed @optional, @matStepperPrevious, @matStepperNext, mat-vertical-stepper

    4. Form controls mat-form-field @floatLabel @hideRequiredMarker @appearance, mat-label:

    4.1. 1:37:20 @matInput, @required, mat-hint @align

    4.2. 1:44:00 mat-select @multiple, mat-label, mat-option, [(value)]="selectedValue", mat-optgroup @label

    4.3. 1:50:16 form mat-form-field > input [matAutocomplete]="auto" [dispalyWith]="displayFn" [formControl]="myControl", mat-autocomplete #auto

    4.4. 2:00:40 mat-checkbox @labelPosition, mat-radio-group, mat-radio-button

    4.5. 2:05:18 mat-form-field > input @matInput [matDatepicker]="myDatePicker" [min], [max] [matDatepickerFilter]="fn", mat-datepicker-toggle [for]="myDatePicker" @matSuffix, mat-datepicker #myDatePicker @startView

    4.6. 2:11:50 @matTooltip, @matTooltipPosition, @matTooltipShowDelay="600", @matTooltipHideDelay

    4.7. 2:15:07 import {MatSnackBar}; this.snackBar.open(); this.snackbar.afterDismissed().subscribe(); this.snackbar.onAction().subscribe()

    5. 2:24:10 h2 Modals and popups. @mat-dialog-title, mat-dialog-content, mat-dialog-actions, button @mat-dialog-close; dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe()

    6. 2:23:40 Data tables.

    6.1. mat-table [dataSource]="dataSource"> ng-container @matColumnDef> mat-header-cell @*matHeaderCellDef, mat-cell @*matCellDef="let element", mat-header-row @*matHeaderRowDef="displayedColumns", mat-row @*matRowDef="let row; columns: displayedColumns;"

    6.2. 2:42:31 Exploring data table 2:47:36 filtering MatTableDataSource 2:51:45 sorting mat-table @matSort, mat-header-cell @mat-sort-header; MatSort

    6.3. 2:55:12 Data Table Pagination. mat-paginator [pageSizeOptions]="5,10,20" @showFirstLastButtons; div @class="mat-elevation-z8"

    6.4. 2:58:20 Virtual Scrolling. import {ScrollingModule}; cdk-virtual-scroll-port @itemSize="100"> @*cdkVirtualFor

  6. Most search grids in the app will reset the search results upon selecting the 'Reset' button. This usually also resets the column order and sorting if they had been changed. However, on the Member Search (My List) pages, the column and sorting are not reset.

    Steps to Reproduce :-

    Open the Member Search (My List) Managed tab
    Select 'Female' from the Gender search option
    Move the Gender column to the far left and sort by this column
    Select the 'Search' button and notice the search results given
    Select the 'Reset' button
    Expected Result: The Search Results are cleared and the column location/sorting are reset

    Actual Result: The Search Results are cleared but the column location/sorting are NOT reset.

    Please can you help me out

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