You can alter an element’s z-index to change its position along the z-axis (an imaginary dimension that extends into and out of your computer screen, creating the illusion of depth). Increasing the z-index on an element allows it to “sit on top of” elements with a lower z-index, and lowering the z-index can make an element sit beneath elements with a higher z-index. But z-index only works with elements that have relative, absolute, or fixed positioning.

In this video, we’ll show you how to use z-index on relative, absolute, and fixed position elements in Webflow.

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  1. OMG, this is the best video that I have seen when explaining how to stack elements. Quick, easy, and clear..Thanks for giving a clear explanation in 2 minutes less

  2. Learned something new today: 2 is greater than 1. These videos are really high end!

    Seriously though, these vids are so clear and quick, you're really setting a high bar to beat.

  3. What if we want something on top of our navigation bar? Trying to do a popup window on page load, but the mobile view is so tight I would like it to go over the nav bar until close out.

  4. no bullshitty intro, no advertising 'if you lik this video, subscribe to my other vids, blah blah…'… just Straight to the point. THIS IS WHAT THE INTERNET WAS MADE FOR…. Congratulations – you're in Internet Heaven. Halelujah !

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