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0:00:00 Introduction
0:01:46 Installing Java
0:03:59 Anatomy of a Java Program
0:08:41 Your First Java Program
0:15:59 Cheat Sheet
0:16:29 How Java Code Gets Executed
0:22:54 Course Structure
0:25:22 Types
0:25:57 Variables
0:29:07 Primitive Types
0:34:27 Reference Types
0:39:15 Primitive Types vs Reference Types
0:43:39 Strings
0:50:42 Escape Sequences
0:53:22 Arrays
0:58:47 Multi-Dimensional Arrays
1:01:23 Constants
1:03:15 Arithmetic Expressions
1:07:18 Order of Operations
1:08:40 Casting
1:15:08 The Math Class
1:19:50 Formatting Numbers
1:25:40 Reading Input
1:30:45 Project: Mortgage Calculator
1:32:55 Solution: Mortgage Calculator
1:37:14 Types Summary
1:38:43 Control Flow
1:39:30 Comparison Operators
1:41:16 Logical Operators
1:45:52 If Statements
1:50:18 Simplifying If Statements
1:53:47 The Ternary Operator
1:56:16 Switch Statements
2:00:07 Exercise: FizzBuzz
2:06:05 For Loops
2:09:53 While Loops
2:14:19 Do…While Loops
2:15:36 Break and Continue
2:18:52 For-Each Loop
2:21:59 Project: Mortgage Calculator
2:23:27 Solution: Mortgage Calculator
2:28:28 Control Flow Summary
2:29:25 Clean Coding




  1. For me when using the Intellij 2022 edition, when typing SOUT and then hitting tab SQLOutput displayed instead. For some reason System.out.println(); was not an option in the list. In case anyone else is having that problem my solution was go to file-settings-editor-live templates and create a template called "SOUT" and paste System.out.println(); in the template text and description. Now the shortcut works fine.

  2. What is this mosh this is easy coding you are teaching we need what we will do in interview coding questions that you have to explain simply simple parah if u r teaching means how it will be enough for us…not this only for all video like this bro 🥺🥺

  3. It is quite exquisite that that these tutorials help us in academia.
    Please help teach creating of a simple windows exe, Mac OS dmg and Linux application from start, adding all explaned libraries, converting it to exe, dmg and deb etc, until you run it in the operating system.
    Explain thing such as classes for internet connections, mails etc.

  4. Sir!! I have one query that is important for me, i am thinking to start learning Java but my query is simple.
    Is only MNC hire or recruit Java trained or learned person or some other local company can hire, after i get confirm from many person than i will start learning. Because i had completed many study from open University that why, many mnc don't hire.

  5. its now working as you shows. this inteliji changed menu and i cannot do this new project same way as you did . and i do not know did i do right of wrong. also i cannot download sdk 12 from oracle (ok i got it now). Mosh you should provide instalation files for curent intelij version and this sdk you used, becouse its just makes me stuck now.

  6. might be a silly question im new to this…when i entered the 3.92 in i get inputmismatch but when i use 3,92 it works, is there a setting for this? comma vs dots? any help would be greatly appreciated…thank you

  7. Этот мужик так ехидно улыбается. Особенно когда говорит "I ll make java super simple". Как-то это подозрительно. Мне после первой минуты стало страшно

  8. coming from C/C++ and C#, I could easily skip through this tutorial and still pick up the important differences.
    thank you for creating this video, I hope most newcomers to programming aren't too overwhelmed with the amount of information they are getting here.

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