Starting a Website Design Business in 2022? This is my advice based on years and years of experience within the web development industry.

My courses are available with lifetime memberships for only $250, and if you purchase any course before midnight on January 1st then you will also get a free 30 minute call with me! Act swiftly.

Million Dollar Selling Course (with Chris & Grace Hughes):

Ultimate SEO for Beginners Course:

How to Grow a Successful Website Design Business:

How to SELL SEO Like a Champ!

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  1. Thanks Chris, always enjoy your content mate. Have you ever done anything on super basic video creating on YouTube? I’m keen and see the value but the whole process, the editing etc feels really far away when you don’t have the know how.

  2. Great video, Chris! I'm looking to hire people in 2022, so I can concentrate on what I do best.
    I love the background. Are you using RGB lights to change to color of the background? I'm not trying to make you give away your studio secrets! 😉

  3. As always I appreciate your time and willingness to share your knowledge, thank you for that! Quick question, Did you start offering SEO services immediately when you first opened up your web design business? Or did that start later? Hope you and your family had a VERY Merry Christmas and have a Happy, healthy & profitable New Year! TIA!

  4. Love the video Chris, but those bloody glasses are so distracting. I thought my eyesight had finally failed until I realized they were supposed to be wonky. Keep up the great work, and I've signed up for all your courses. Great stuff and well worth the $250 each

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