Which serverside web framework is the best? To find out, I built the same app 10 times with 10 different programming languages.. Learn the fundamentals of fullstack web development by comparing MVC frameworks.

#webdev #programming #top10

🔗 Resources

Ruby on Rails https://rubyonrails.org/
Python Django https://djangoproject.com
PHP Laravel https://laravel.com/
Java Spring https://spring.io/
C# .NET https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/apps/aspnet
Next.js https://nextjs.org/
Elixir Phoenix https://phoenixframework.org/
Rust Rocket https://rocket.rs/
Go Gin https://gin-gonic.com/
Swift Vapor https://vapor.codes/
Kotlin Ktor https://ktor.io/

📚 Chapters

00:00 I Built 10 Fullstack Apps
01:04 MVC Architecture Explained
01:39 Rails
03:58 Django
05:14 Laravel
06:32 Next
08:23 Spring
09:25 .NET
10:36 Phoenix
11:27 Gin
12:25 Rocket
13:13 Vapor
13:52 Ktor
14:01 The GOAT

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🔖 Topics Covered

– Comparison of server-side frameworks
– How to build a fullstack web app
– Best way to build a web application
– Comparison of web development tools



  1. 1 question to ask hopefully get answers from senior developer.

    Am good at frontend and also know Mern stack. Now I want learn new language for backend. Python , C++, Go in these languages which should I start learning?

    Advance Thank you.
    I know C++ is not popular in web development. But still I put that on the list.

  2. Django is literally a dignified farsighted Gift from Python, although there are Flask, and recently they have FastApi but they are just microframeworks , made for just creating REST API s , which makes a big difference among others and django(I am not even considering the JS backends)

  3. i don't know if my comment get noticed or not, but iam writing this, kindly do a full tutorial on how to build a web app . why iam asking it to you ? because you explain things more clearly than any other YouTubers.

  4. While saying that Rails is the best framework, you forgot to mention that Ruby is also the slowest programming language in the world (crystal + amber may be a better way to go, which is same as rails but statically typed and fast, never tested it myself though)

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