16 HTML CSS JavaScript projects for beginners.

In this video, you are going to learn 16 beginners projects in HTML CSS JavaScript that are enjoyable to work on. Develop your HTML skills and use them to build modern websites with HTML CSS and JS, including HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript 2022.

Download the source code at: https://github.com/sahandghavidel/HTML-CSS-JavaScript-projects-for-beginners

This video will teach you HTML, CSS, and JavaScript while also instructing you on how to create simple but functioning websites using these languages.

It is completely OK to start from the beginning with HTML, CSS, or JavaScript coding. This video illustrates HTML, CSS, and JavaScript syntax through the use of examples. The majority of projects are begun from scratch and completed without the use of any previously copied code.

If you are as enthusiastic about learning HTML, CSS and JavaScript as I am about learning them, then let’s get this party started. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

00:00 Introduction
1:48 Project 1 – Digital Clock
43:17 Project 2 – Multiplication App
1:35:58 Project 3 – Button Ripple Effect
2:07:18 Project 4 – Real-time Character Counter
2:46:54 Project 5 – Sticky Navbar
3:38:39 Project 6 – Random Color Generator
4:19:39 Project 7 – Heart Trail Animation
4:53:02 Project 8 – Video Trailer Popup
5:42:58 Project 9 – Blurred Background Popup
6:42:03 Project 10 – Background Image Scroll Effect
7:11:17 Project 11 – Drum Kits
8:02:15 Project 12 – Random Photos
8:35:20 Project 13 – Image Slider
9:28:41 Project 14 – Dark Mode Toggle
10:04:10 Project 15 – Auto Text Effect Animation
10:34:24 Project 16 – Tabs Section



  1. My heart is stuck on the center of the screen and it does follow my mouse I've check your github code every single line is the same I don't know how to solve this. Please help

  2. t says sound crash 404 not found …. what to do …???? it is loaded on my container after every button but when i triggered a click event it didnt play ..it told Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)…help me out javascript king

  3. I really love that you explain everything step by step, slowly and in detail, unlike other youtubers who explain quite fast, making it hard to understand
    Thank you very much

  4. just started and I love it! Thank you so much to put the work in making these projects! how do you set the work place in a way that your Dev Tools stay inside of VS code and not open a new window?

  5. Great Tutorials : heads up @38:27 it did not work for AM/PM with the code you've used ampmEl, (innerText = ampm);❌
    though it did work for me simply usinig the dot. instead comma and removing the brackets
    Should be: ampmEl.innerText = ampm;👈

  6. Hi,
    Thanks for this helpful video.

    const container = document.querySelector(".container");

    const kits = ["Snare", "Kick", "Crash", "Tom"];

    kits.forEach((kit) => {

    const btn = document.createElement("button");


    btn.innerText = kit;

    btn.style.backgroundImage = "url(imgs/" + kit + ".png.jpg)";


    const audio = document.createElement("audio");

    audio.src = "sounds/" + kit + ".mp3";


    btn.addEventListener("click", (e) => {



    window.addEventListener("keydown", (event) => {

    if (event.key === kit.slice(0,1)) {


    btn.style.transform = "scale(.9)";

    setTimeout(() => {

    btn.style.transform = "scale(1)";

    }, 100);




    Why my cod's window.addEventListener part doesn't work?

  7. Sir at 1: 19 in project 2

    It's not happening in my computer..

    questionE1.innertext = ' '
    Up to here. Perfect.

    After that

    ' What is the ${num1} multiply by ${num2} also showing exactly in the webpage numbers are not getting?

    How can I contact you?

    Insta or any messenger I'd

    To talk with you.

    Thank you.

  8. I tried and did the drum Kit project on my own and used KeyCodes and Timeouts to change the background size and activate the sounds, but your method is way more efficent. Thanks again.

  9. Can you do a video on the roadmap to become a frontend developer, all the skills and concepts you must know to land a job. At the same time I'm wondering what level of projects should be on your resume. I hope you provide me the guidance I seek. Btw great video, I learning javascript and to put all the theory in use is real fun for me. Definitely recommending this to my friends who are struggling to get a grip on Js

  10. What is wrong with my code

    const num1 = Math.ceil(Math.random() *10);

    const num2 = Math.ceil(Math.random() *10);

    const questionEL = document.getElementById("question");

    const inputEL = document.getElementById("input");

    const formEL = document.getElementById("form");

    const scoreEl = document.getElementById ("score");

    scoreEl.innerHTML = `score: ${score}`

    let score = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("score"));

    if (!score) {

    score = 0;


    questionEL.innerText = `What is ${num1} multiply by ${num2}?`;

    const correctAns = num1 * num2;

    formEL.addEventListener("sumbit",() => {

    const UserANs = +inputEL.value;

    if (UserANs === correctAns) {

    score ++;


    } else {

    score –;




    function updateLocalStorage(){

    localStorage.setItem("score", JSON.stringify("score"));


  11. Sir, for the 2nd project. The variable 'score' in localStorage will not reset to ZERO when I refresh the page or close and reopen the page. Should this have some fix to reset the score value when the user refreshes the page?

  12. Pls I need your help. I have followed all the steps you did on building digital clock and multiplication App. The HTML and CSS part of mine works perfectly. But my JS don’t work in both projects. Please I need help on what to do it’s actually frustrating me. I don’t know if it’s system fault why my JS code doesn’t work. My computer is MacBook pro14.
    Please I will appreciate if you help me on what to do.

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