In this video, you will learn how to use Elementor’s Nav Menu widget to customize WordPress menus. Change colors of the menu items, create mobile menus, customize the submenu and other important points you should know about this highly customizable widget.

Get Elementor Pro with Nav Menu Widget:



  1. But these menus dissappear as soon as you click on any of the buttons. They only exist on the page that you created it on. You need to have shown us how to put the navmenu widget into the header so it can be immediately on every page of your site, right?

  2. When using an Elementor menu on a mobile device, I would like to click the top level menu item and have it reveal the submenu, but instead it takes me to the link associated with the top level menu. Is there a way to change this behavior?

  3. Everything you need to know, except how to add the actual menu items to the bar. The header template only has room for one menu item, and adding more is not so obviously trivial.

  4. Great tutorials. I've learned so much in such a short time. I used WordPress to build many sites back in the day. Just getting back into it and I'm amazed at how easy Elementor makes everything. I used to design the templates in Artisteer and have to export each time, import, etc. Not so smooth. Elementor is great. One question (for now) if anyone can help: How do I change text in a text block to rtl, so my Hebrew and Arabic texts are formatted properly? I don't see anything in the options. I assume Aviva, or any of you native RTL people who seem to run the show know the answer to this.

  5. I don't seem to have a the navbar menu widget available in Elementor at all. How do I obtain it, as I cannot create a menu bar for my website? I was using Elementor Pro, but since the latest update the nav bar has disappeared and I cannot find it again. I need help!

  6. HOW CAN YOU ADD A CTA BUTTON INSIDE THE MOBILE MENU? I am trying to find the solution, when you open the toggle menu, i would like to see at the end, my button like the Desktop View. Someone knows how to do this?

  7. Yeah, can you please make a video on how to make a fade or slide transition when clicking on a menu icon.

    I need to click on a menu icon and have it open slowly (1 second) so that the user doesn't see some clunky menu pop out instantly. thanks

  8. Come on guys…seasoned Elementor users don't watch these types of tutorials but the new kids on the block do, and will not know how to build some of these menus, ie…the vertical menu. There's more to it than the 30 seconds it has on screen. Please do an actual tutorial on how to build one from scratch.

  9. Good tips. Did you do the Nav Menu on WordPress or Themebuilder? I noticed that when I use Themebuilder, there's a duplication of the menu that happens and I cannot get rid of the WordPress menu. Which means I cannot use Themebuilder as it will only duplicate the menu. How can I solve this?

  10. Is there a way to have the nav widget in say a setup like this – column, 75% (logo) – column 25% (nav/drop down) and be able to expand the widget without it also stretching the height of the logo column? the only way I can see to make this work is to use full width but I'd really prefer the menu to just be the width of the 25% column when expanded and then sit over the top of the content below without stretching the logo column to the same height.

  11. Are these functions depend on theme? what happened to me, when used ocean WP theme some available, when I moved to Astra theme, those are not available. Can some one help me?

  12. Your tutorials are so simple and clear! Thank you for all time you've putting into these for us.
    Hoping you can help… when in Elementor Pro over to the left is the panel. When there is a Global Navigation Menu on the far right (the Menu has sticky setting and is transparent) it can only be seen when Elementor's panel is closed. Also, it cannot be edited with Elementor Pro. How can I locate where it can be edited? There are other buttons/links that also that cannot be edited. It's like the global NavMenu Widget selector is not visible, therefore cannot be edited.
    I appreciate any assistance from you and your wealth of knowledge.

  13. Can a menu item with a dropdown not be a page? I want to place "Services" in the menu and when I hover over it, it drops down two links to pages. I don't want the menu item "Services" itself to be a link to anywhere…just a name leading to a dropdown.

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