Learn how to use AI Art and ChatGPT to Create a Website without writing a single line of code!

In this video, I’m going to generate website designs with midjourney, which is an AI art tool for creating images. Then we will jump into chat gpt to create the written content for the website, and finally put it all together in Editor X, which is a no coding tool for creating sites! Nocode and artificial intelligence assisted art will definitely be the future!



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  1. So if you create a background for your site and let's say images for your social media accounts, who is the owner of the images and will you hold the copyrights or will it be Midjourney's copyright, since you used their product?

  2. Just a little correction at 6:40 U 1234 are command to upscale 1234 images and V 1234 are command to Variate 1234 images respectively. Calling V 1234 as version is technically ambiguous. V1 would generate 4 variations of 1st image. And U 1 would upscale 1st image.

  3. Hi there sir, great informative video. Thank you very much.
    I have a question, how do you make the website live and running after creating it? Also adding e-commerce…?
    Thank you greatly.
    Happy and healthy 2023.

  4. Let's think about this for a second. What's the purpose of this website with random shoes? Can't be a store – need to show real products. It's hard to build an e-commerce / online shop using this approach. Might work for a fitness studio or runners' club 🙂

  5. You guys are seeing this opportunity from a wrong perspective in my opinion. This tool can make every professional work double times faster as before. If an expert understands to use these tools to his advantage.
    As an expert, it’s even possible to get the same results in half in of the time.
    And that’s the change all humankind will benefit from in the long term. Whoever is saying this technology will take their job – doesn’t understand the benefits these tools come with and also aren't creative enough to take an huge advantage on these tools.
    #cheers 🦾

  6. I tried midjourney but it was horrendous and unisable. It auto scrolls so firstly you have no idea where you are and secondly the upscale never works and good luck trying to find the image after it autoscrolls you away from where you are looking. Horrible experience and I will never use it again, sorry!

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