Do you want to publish your Canva design to your WordPress site? In this short video, we will show you how to embed your presentation designed in Canva to your WordPress site. Once you know how to share the presentation, you will be able to share most of all the designs to your WordPress site.



  1. • That’s is a great article! Thank you so much. I want to contribute this article with a piece of advice. I was using Canva to design my ad images. Later, I have met with WASK. So, it seems unnecessary to pay for a design tool because I can both design my ad images and run Facebook and Google ads.

  2. Hi, thankyou so much for this video. I have a quick question if you can help. How to I get the embedded website to scroll through the pages vertically as opposed to click side to side pages? If you can help with this it would be very much appreciated.

    Thanks again for the video!

  3. Hi, can you help! I have embedded the html code from Canva in the backend and it shows, but it does not show in the front end, the code itself is showing not the Canva graphics, I have tried trouble shooting, no luck. Pls what can I do

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