Learning web design in 2021 is faster and simpler than ever. Thanks to a myriad of new tools and resources, you don’t even need to learn to code. Just follow this simple, 5-step process and you’ll become a web designer in no time.

00:51 Pick a web design tool
08:18 Consume all content about that tool
08:55 Choose a web design niche
11:24 Practice, practice, practice
13:10 Sell yourself as an expert in that tool/niche

RapidWebLaunch is a web design and digital marketing firm dedicated to fast and affordable web design for small businesses. Find a variety of free services below to help you get started.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ« FREE 1-ON-1 web design coaching session with me πŸ‘‰ https://bit.ly/3f996Xw

πŸ•Έ Find out if your website is πŸ’© πŸ‘‰ https://bit.ly/3f996Xw

πŸ“– Read the full blog post here πŸ‘‰ https://blog.rapidweblaunch.com/learn-web-design-fast/



  1. I feel like this is an absent aspect of building a website. When one is introduced to web development it's all about HTML, CSS, and JAVA. It's absence made me realise that there's a gap between designing and building. How do l build a website without visualising website or designing it first, right? That's why l'm walking backwards while improving my code.

  2. i am actually looking for very good web designer to design something that really soothes what i need and have international standard. i have a web designer asking for a cost of $12000 and another asking for $416 and keep wondering, how do I know which is best. Of course, everyone one will feel the best should be the more expensive designer, but that is actually not the case. So i decided to check for myself what makes a website very good and it seems it instead bring me to how can i personally develop a very good website.

    Funny! Anyways…..if that question could be answered i will be glad because i know i need a very robust website and need it sooner.
    I will sure learn how to do it myself.

  3. Thank you for this video. Very good tips. like you, I have no webdesign training but enjoyed making my own website so have decided to design for others. Even though I am offering my service at throw away rates, no one is signing up.
    Your video showed up at the right time. I like your idea of offering free websites for portfolio and practice, which was exactly what I wanted to do but needed money so offered at very low charges.
    I have no issues with making free websites but I am worried about the expense on my side.
    Could you please give me some advice on hosting and domain? How do you manage hosting and hosting costs for free websites?
    And if we make a website for some of our neighborhood shops then how do we sell it to them? Which domain would you create it on? Is it possible to change a site domain after its created?
    Please advice. I am totally new to this and would really love to get started in this work. Thank you

  4. Sir, im a very beginner here,
    My friend told me that to design web using wordpress, i need to understand about SQL and SEO?

    While another friend told me, i dont need to learn SQL. And seo because wordpress+elementor is already saved the problem?

  5. So, if I'm beginning to build my first website for a client, and I choose (let's say) SquareSpace , when I register for a SquareSpace account, am I registering everything in my name, or their name?

    …Because, it's their business, and I will be handing it over to them…
    …But I may create a few dozen more websites to other clients, with SquareSpace…

    Will I be creating a new account everytime? Will I be use the same account to build a dozen different websites? Or will I keep the website, and manage/maintain it myself?

  6. I was reticent about starting to sell CMS website as I am not a professional designer. This video just gave me the right inspiration to build this new " career", which I am pretty sure it will be the right thing for a professional communicator like me. Just need to develop a bit more of practice and mainly confidence. Thank you for such inspiration!

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