In this video, Elementor educator & designer Dave Foy shows step-by-step how to recreate the popular Flywheel blog.

Dave Foy teaches non-coder designers how to build their businesses faster and more profitably with Elementor.

Check out Dave’s website for a BONUS extra tip we didn’t have time to fit into the main video:



  1. please when i try to read an article from archive page i have only text content not the template whic i insert , i'm using hello theme and all is update , just on thing i 'm on localhost yet thank you

  2. Wow, I've been trying to create a blog post page for days using various other video's you, my friend are the dogs wotsits, its like a bulb came on I can now finally create my own page with an understanding of what is happening.

  3. Thank you so much!!! I am having an issue though. When I publish and view the page as a viewer would there is a large margin from the left side of the page to ehre the first column is that has the author box. Could my page settings be off somewhere. Thank you again. This is by far the best tutorial I've seen so far!!!

  4. When I went to add the eliminator single template it wasn't there, it was just page and section. And then I added a page anyway and went along with the rest of the video anyway but when I went to edit the page in eliminator in the settings there was only general settings- not preview settings or advanced. Can you help me understand why this has happened?

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