The blog page is where your visitors will see your site’s blog posts in some sort of list. You can show all of the blog posts or just a subset. In this tutorial, you learn how to do this with the free version of Elementor plus a free add-on for Elementor.
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  1. Hey, great tutorial, thank you for sharing, however I have ran into an issue, now whenver I visit the blog post page and try to click on one of the blog posts or on the option to "read more", it doesnt open the post, it just refreshes the blog post page, what can i do ?

  2. Great vid, thanks! How come when you go on to your wordpress page you created, named it blog posts and then clicked edit with elementor the page name doesnt show. It does on mine. Any help on how to hide this as I have a section title which I'd like to just call Blog or News but I have BLOG as the page name above it and it looks stupid.

  3. I really want to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for this video! I have struggled for ages to find out what I was doing wrong! I built my website but couldn’t display it! I watched so many videos and still didn’t learn what to do to correct my mistakes until I watched this video! Thank you! I am 76 so don’t pick up things as speedily as younger folk. Thank you again!

  4. I have prepared a website for affiliate marketing and I have prepared the necessary title for it then I have prepared 15 articles to put on that website and I have prepared the title keywords separately for those 15 articles and inserted them in it.

    Now my doubt is where to I put the website title? Can put it on the home page? Or to prepare separate articles for that and put it on the home page? Or to put it in the first article in the post for the website title? Say that. Please tell me bro

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