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How I Learned to Code in 4 Months & Got a Job! (No CS Degree, No Bootcamp)


I went from being a college dropout with zero technical skills to landing a software developer job in 4 months. This video is about how I became a self-taught software developer and how I learned how to code without a computer science degree or coding bootcamp.

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Courses To Help Supplement Learning:
📚 Learning How To Learn:
🛠️ Build JS Projects Step-by-Step:
🟣 React:
🅱️ Node:
🧐 Coding Interview Prep (DSA):

Learn How To Code Playlist:

Mentioned Resources:

Find Remote Jobs:

Tools I Used For Learning How To Code:
· Laptop Stand –
· Pomodoro Timer –
· Bose Headphones –
· Vertical Mouse –
· Apple Keyboard –
· Laptop Backpack –

Behind The Scenes:

Music For Creators:

Disclaimer: Some of the links are affiliate links so I can feed mi familia while I make these videos for you guys. 🙏🙏🙏



  1. Hey guys, I’ve been getting a lot of the same questions/comments so I thought I’d knock them out here.

    1. “Over a decade working in tech”. I did sales and marketing for a couple of tech companies before learning how to code. I lumped those years into the “decade of experience” comment that I mention at the end of the video.

    2. I got my dev job in 2018. Sure the job market is definitely more competitive, however, employers are ALWAYS on the lookout for strong, up-and-coming talent especially if the potential candidate has the right mindset, intangible values, and are offering to work for cheap (or for free like I did).

    3. You can do this internationally! I’ve been a digital nomad since 2013, I’ve met many self-taught devs from Poland, Colombia, Thailand, Philippines and many more countries that all worked remotely (some even for US-based companies).

    4. AI is making good devs better. Instead of being afraid of it you should embrace it and use it actively to enhance your learning. Use it to build your next portfolio project so you can tell your employer that you have personal experience using it to work 2-3x faster. Leverage the tech instead of being discouraged by its advancements. There’s still a long way to go before it can talk to clients/users, spec out a feature and solve real business problems on its own. Good devs = good communicators.

    5. If you don’t have the means to quit your job, study part-time! I’m the type of person that likes to go all in on things so I saved up some money by working my ass off (even borrowed some) to be able to study full-time. I took a bet on myself and used it as additional pressure to get what I wanted.

    6. The interview process for the job I landed went something like this:
    – Preliminary video interview: I took this chance to open up the code of all my projects and I spoke in-depth about the tools I used, design choices I made, what I learned, and how I built them.
    – Take home tests: They were CodePen links with instructions. I solved them all but I went above and beyond by explaining alternative solutions (in an email) and explaining why I chose the route I took. Another was a simple CRUD app I had to build and submit on Github.
    – 2nd Interview: I explained in detail about how I solved the take home tests, asked questions about how they were relevant to the job and even talked about what I would’ve done differently.
    – Final interview: Culture fit interview: I met members of the management, told my story, showcased what I learned in the short amount of time I had and why.
    – A week later I received the job offer!
    – NOTE: I did not have any whiteboard interviews BUT (JIC) in anticipation for one, I worked extensively with my tutor on solving data structure and algorithm problems in preparation for the job hunt.

    7. I am NOT offering any 1-on-1 mentorship at this time. I am focused on scaling this YouTube channel but if things change or I develop any further learning products the first update will go to those subscribed to my email newsletter: ➡

    I used to knock on 200-300 doors everyday, 6-days a week as a door-to-door salesman so if I can do it, I promise, with the right determination, you can too!

    The feedback on this video has been amazing , if you have any other questions feel free to ask them.
    I’ll answer them here or eventually make a follow up video replying to them.

    We spent a lot of time making this video so it’s been awesome to see the positive feedback!

    Much love,


Tim Kim

  2. Hi, I've been learning coding for 5 months now and I only do problem solving on sites like code wars and hackerrank, I feel like I'm missing something and this video has helped me understand to not only solve problems but build real programs with my skills, thanks for sharing your experience, I find it really helpful, love your content👍.

  3. I've been cooking for over 10 years, making less than 40k a year. I need to make a change. I watched this video in tears, but with a very strong fire in my belly. Thank you for making this video. <3

  4. What are some tips do you have for a person getting ready for their first ever technical interview? What was that experience like for you and what are some things you would have done differently going it ?

  5. Stop doing this kind of shit videos lying to people on YouTube. There's no possible way someone become in developer in 4 months, even studying 24/7. There are a lot of topics to learn, practice and develop projects to make sure all those thing that you learned.

  6. Just finished my first Python Course and indeed, I don't feel like a programmer. More like imposter. I guess I'll follow your path (more or less) but I can't quit job as I have household to provide for. Thanks anyway man, it's great to see I don't need to go to uni to make it if I'm persistent and dedicated enough. I'll do my best to get where I want.

  7. Hey 😀 Tim I m learning web development myself Smita can you help me through my we development journey do u have particular WhatsApp number or insta I’d so that you can help me thanks in advance

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